You have a keen eye for a good price, always a bargain to be found and turned around for a tidy profit. A silver tongue and charm are the tools of your trade, honed and as sharp as any blade that a smith might toil for hours over but not you. No, why risk the savage frontier when you can make a living within the comforts and safety of sturdy stone walls? Whether cook or carpenter, you know what they want and how to get it cheap. A quick sale for some is an easy silver for you and all without muddying your boots. Should adventure call you, you know opportunity will present itself, where resources are found so too is profit. The merchant’s guild always has what you need stocked, they know you well, and the profits you make. What's the difference of a few silver to them when they know you’ll be back to buy more?  



Merchants will have access to special vendors to purchase raw and refined materials from and turn around for a profit. This profession qualifies as a Gathering profession.