The Modern Age

This is the timeline for what most of the scholars of the realm call the "Modern Age", which is marked by the first arrival of the Elves onto Shiandria. The other cultures soon followed.

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    The Death of King Martok, of the Dwarven Alliance
    Life, Death

    During the Battle of the Valley of Broken Dreams, good King Martok was slain while valiantly fighting an army of Minotours. His son Prince Volstag, along with traveling companions Ursagor and Aryellas were present at the fight but were unable to stop his fateful charge. The crown, and his mount a faithful Battle Boar, then fell to his son Volstag.

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    Invasion of Hammer Home
    Military: Skirmish

    The evil Lich Queen invaded the peaceful town of Hammer Home. A coalition of townsfolk, Reman soldiers, and followers of the Morrigan fought off the undead hoards. During the battle the infamous Admiral Ursagor was seen fighting on both sides, while the noble Dwarven King Volstag was seen fighting in the side of the Morrigan. Shortly before the battle started an adventuring duo of Satyr girls found the fabled Sword of Ares.

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    The Battle of Sylvanus
    Military: Battle

    A bloody battle resulted in the Reman forces being driven away. But, what remained may have been worse.

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    The Battle of Flat Lick Falls
    Military: Skirmish

    A group of valiant townsfolk, safeguarded by Dwarven mercenaries and local adventurers under the guidance of a Reman officer, journeyed to the boat docks to escape the chaos that had engulfed the farming village of Sylvanus. On their way, they faced ambushes from "freedom fighters," fae, and bandits. The skirmishes abruptly ceased when nature intervened.

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    The Wild Hunt Returns
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Wild Hunt rode upon the town of Sylvanus. This was an attempt by the otherworldly powers to remind the folk that their petty fueds and squabbles were nothing compared to the battle that lies ahead.

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    Meeting at Skrattafell
    Diplomatic action

    The Norse village of Skrattafell hosted a meeting of all the Dwarven clans and their leaders. The goal was to achieve peace and, hopefully, elect a king for the Dwarven Alliance of Clans. Representatives from other cultures and nations were also present, most notably Sergeant Brannith Marius of the Imperial Reman Republic. Prince Silverboar, representing the faraway Kingdom of Solara, also spoke about the pressing need for peace and economic recovery.

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    Journey Into the Faewyld
    Discovery, Exploration

    After witnessing the assassination of King Volstagg during the feast at Skrattafell in the name of the Demon Lord Orcus and Clan Gren many of the Dawn Land adventurers and peoples were taken aback and confused. The dwarves of Clan Gren have denied any allegations associated with King Volstagg’s death and are making preparations to send some of their kin into the Faewyld in order to help find the needed components to help the Temple of the Seven Moons and the Temple of the Morrigan resurrect him. Word of an opened portal to the Faewyld has spread - some believe that the Wild Hunt brought back old magic into the lands and allowed for it to be accessed again. There is another rumor among certain groups that there is an item located in the Faewyld that could help defeat the Demon Lord Orcus and the army of undead. The Raven Queen has sent some of her own to assist the adventurers brave enough to enter the Faewyld.   Many adventurers set out questing into the Faewyld to retrieve the items to help resurrect the deceased prince Volstag. Upon arriving they were met by Queen Mab and Queen Titania, who cursed them to loose their memories, powers, skills, and abilities. They then had to quest to regain those things. It was only after leaving did they realize that they had spent 3 years in the Faewyld.
