
Modified from the AD&D 2e Complete Fighter's Handbook
Classes AllowedFighter
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 15
Prime RequisitesStrength
Races Allowed

Alignments AllowedAny Non-Lawful

  The Berserker is a warrior who has special attributes and abilities when he's in combat. In combat, he can achieve an ecstatic state of mind that will enable him to fight longer, harder, and more savagely than any human being has a right to. This makes him a deadly warrior... who can be as much a menace to himself as to his enemies.


    • Once per day, plus once per day for every four levels of experience the Berserker has, he or she can become enraged.
      • This enraged state lasts for 10 rounds.
        • While enraged, the Berserker becomes far more powerful than a normal fighter. The Berserker gains a +2 bonus to damage, a -2 bonus to AC and THAC0, and a +15 bonus to current and maximum hit points.
        • While enraged, the Berserker is immune to the status effects of charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, maze, sleep, and level drain.
        • While enraged, the Berserker is unaware of how much damage he or she takes, and the DM tracks this amount separately. If the Berserker hits 0 hit points while enraged, he or she is still killed.
        • When the enraged state ends after 10 rounds or when the Berserker hits 0 hit points, the Berserker takes 15 damage, effectively losing the extra hit points given by the enraged state. Should the Berserker have less than 16 hit points but greater than 0, the Berserker instead falls to 1 hit point and falls unconscious. Additionally, they become winded for 5 rounds, during which they receive a +2 penalty to AC and THAC0 and a -2 penalty to damage.
        • A Berserker cannot become enraged while winded.


    • A Berserker cannot become more than proficient in any ranged weapon.
  • Alignment is restricted to non-lawful.


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