Duchy Draviouxe

Draviouxe is a very flat landscape which is perfectally suited for cavalry combat. The grass grows tall, nutricious and sway back and forth in the winds. The wind can and usually do grow strong as there is few parts of the landscape which will slow it down. Dravioux western part is made up of a long shore from which the local fishermen venture forth. Along the shore there is several small islands, most of them are unhibatiated, but there are a islands with small monasteries upon them. They are perfect for achieving the solitude the monks and nuns are looking for. The islands are usually hard to get to as the shores are rocky and high.   The duchy of Draviouxe is famous in the whole realm for its horses. One breed of warhorses that is famous is the Dravioux destrier. A very aggressive and large horse breeded to carry heavy cavalry into combat.   Capitol: Manneo   Duke: Etienne Valo Harienne   Within the Duchy is a large sanatorium called Etins peace, where cronically sick people are transported to in order to become isolated and preferally cured. It is located on an island where no one can escape. There are several buildings and farms runned by the sanatorium where the able work. The women and men are separated from each other. Two religious monk and nun orders run the island. There are many tales of ghosts and undead on the island.     Monsters and other beings:
  • Harpies: The duchy contains many smaller mountains and cliffs in which Harpies makes their homes. Although not common close to human settlements they are a nuisance for most travelers in the Duchy. Especially to the north where the cliffsides becomes more common.
  • Hippogriffs: There are several known nesting sites of the Hippogriffs within the higher parts of the Toril mountains.
  • Giant spiders: Within the Toril forest there have been sightings of Giant spiders, but they have never ventures forth from the forests.
  • Manticore: There are stories of Manticore sightings within the duchy, but they are unconfirmed. All indications are that they have been traveling through the duchy in search for something, rather than being a permanent feature.
  • Najads: There are many stories of Najads being seen or interacted within the many lakes and small rivers within the duchy.
  • Trolls: Within the Toril forest there are known groups of Forest trolls. Within the Duchy the Cave trolls are a more common threat than any one wants to admit. There are no known caves where they hide as if there would be they would be hunted down. But it is well known band of them exists within the duchy. Locals Lord always pays bounty for proof of troll kills.


The Duchie is a heridetary duchy which have been ruled by the Harienne family since the birth of Zorakin. Draviouxe is divided into two counties making the two counts rich and powerful.  
  • Captain of Arms:
  • Loremaster:
  • Seneschal:
  • Adjutant:
  • Herald:
  • Jester:
  • Bontisal:
2 Counties
  • Solonnia
  • Bavaronie


Draviouxe are usually mentioned as the home of the knights. The heavily armoured knight is a staple of the duchy and horse breeding is common. For nobles of Dravioux it is just as important to have a strong steed as it is to have a strong horse. Most nobles are trained to ride with a lance from early age. Riding and horses are so commonplace that even most peasants know how to ride and own horses.

Public Agenda

To breed strong horses and protect the king and kingdom.


The duchy have many small lords/ knights holding and more knights than any other duchy. There are many horse breeders and the duchy is well known for its riding- and warhorses.


The duchie where a part of the Penner kingdom.

Demography and Population

  • Penner 80%
  • Halflings 5%


The duchy is a part of the ancestral homes of the Penner tribe.


  • As the land is very fertile there are more room for knights, as such the local military forces are even more cavalry focused than normal in Zorakin.


Apart from The shining path there is some folk lore which rituals is lightly inspired by a old god of horses and riding from the Jorpagnian panthenon. In general the local clergy ignores it but do not endorse it either.

Foreign Relations

Even though the duchy is close to Kardien there is little exchange between the duchy and Kardien.

Agriculture & Industry

  • Horsebreeding is very common in the duchy, and as such much of the fertile land is used for it.
  • The mainstaple diet in meat is horse meat. Sausage making is a large industry of the duchy.

Trade & Transport

Most of the trade in the duchy is internal, and most of the external trade are made by the nobles as they trade their horses for luxury goods. Although the duchy is self sufficient they still need to import grain to sustain their horse breeding.


  • The kings road

A strong horse is just as important as a strong faith.

Founding Date
55 B.O.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The same as Zorakin, but the former Duke minted goldcoins.
Major Exports
  • Horses
  • Sausages based on horse meat.
Major Imports
  • grain
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities