
Legatus Indolus Herrarus

Legate Indolus is the Second in Command of Caesar's Legion. Serving directly under Caesar Aurelius himself. A very strategic man, Indolus was placed in charge of conquering the belligerent Tribes and settlements of the Texas region. Using displays of brutality and cunning strategies throughout the Rio Grande region, Indolus had crossed the river and was well into his campaign, when news of Caesar's death reached him in 2282. When the ensuing infighting occurred, Indolus refused to take part, and instead continued to pacify his region. When Legate Aurelius arrived at his camp in Oklahoma in 2293, the two spent almost two days inside his tent. It is unknown just what was said, but Aurelius emerged as Caesar, and Indolus as his Prime Legatus. The two entered Flagstaff as heroes, who had ended the civil war, and began consolidating the land, and forming it into a proper empire.   In 2299, Aurelius ordered Indolus to reopen grander hostilities with the New California Republic. To that end, Indolus amassed over 100,000 troops at Laguna Fortress, north of Yuma. In order to lull the NCR into a false sense of security, on the morning of August 4th, he called up the veterans of Yuma for large-scale drills. This caused the NCR Army and the citizens of Verde to enter panic and high alert. While they focused on the south, Indolus sent his explorers and Frumentarii up the cliff face, and had them deploy C4 beneath the city, an answer to the NCR Ranger's actions in Boulder City in 2277, with lessons from the Courier's destruction of the Fort. At the same time, Indolus sent 5,000 troops across the river north, near the border with the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. The Drill in Yuma lasted until the morning of the 5th, then ended and the veterans returned to their homes. Indolus then let Verde settle down for then entire day and the next. Once they were lulled into routine, and went to bed on the 6th, he gave the order, and Verde exploded from below. At the same time, the Frumentarii and Explorers began raiding the town, while the main force advance upon the garrison. The Explosion was more than just the opening, it was also the signal for the rest of the 95,000 troops to begin crossing the river. Within an hour, Verde had fallen, and that morning 100,000 Legionaries marched west, at last standing on the soil of the NCR.   The advance would be halted two days later, roughly 30 miles outside Blythe and NCR Camp Baja. But Indolus wanted this. His goal is clear to NCR strategists, who have no choice to play along if they want to stop him here. He wants the whole of the army in one place, not scattered to be fought at length. Then once he breaks them, he will seize the brahmin fields of Baja, and storm over a starving California.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Indolus is renkown as an entirely different type of Legate than his two predecessors. Unlike the Fanatic Joshua Graham or the Brute Lanius, Indolus prides himself on his strategy, and shows it well. His tactics have already helped him kick in the door to NCR, and conquer western Texas. He is also quite unique in the fact that the only language he uses is Latin. He knows some broken English according to reports, but rarely uses it. This marks a growing reality in the Legion, as newer generations are only taught Latin by their instructors, Legion commands become something difficult for frontline NCR troops to keep track of.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2248 AD 52 Years old
Two Sun
Black, military short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown, Hispanic Heritage
195 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Latin, some English
Ruled Locations


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