Seafoam Clusters

The Seafoam Clusters are the territories of the elves. There are no permanent settlements, since the elves live in nomadic fleets that roam the seas. The Seafoam Clusters are the most common meeting spots of these fleets. The clusters are heavily influenced by their own versions of the Celestial and Cycle pantheons.   The Seafoam Clusters are run loosely by the elven families, but mostly stay out of each other's ways. Each family has their own values and culture, so it is hard to generalize them. Usually, though, the elven families are fiercely protective of their own. Seafoam nomads tend to wear pale blue, silver, and white clothing that flows in the salty sea breeze.   The Seafoam Clusters have a few loose confederacy of ships and families called flotillas that act as almost stable and stationary outposts in the seas. Families are generally welcome to come and go in these flotillas. They act as ports for foreigners and trade and are the closest things to “settlements” there are. Instead of people living there permanently, though, the flotillas have a seemingly random rotation of families enter and leave. The construction and demographics of each flotilla is always changing.   Contrary to what most outsiders would think, the Seafoam Clusters do not have a good relationship with the fae nation of Llolani. The elves have been seeking their true homeland for thousands of years and some considered the wild nation of Llolani to be such a land. Others, though, consider it a false dream and have embraced their nomadic lifestyle as the true place for elves. This caused a racial schism about 75 years ago and increased tensions between the two general sects of elves.   Most seachranaiche families are completely elven. Elves reproduce slowly over the course of their 200-250 year lifespan. A single pair of elves typically has around 3-4 children and few elves survive long enough to die of old age. Because of this, children (ages 0 - 50 or so) are incredibly cherished and protected. Entire bands of elven families can act together to save a single child.   Generally, parents expect their children to stay within the family flotilla. The seachranaiche culture is on the precipice, so the elders are trying to keep their traditions fiercely alive in the youth. If an elf leaves the clusters permanently, they can expect a cold shoulder and hatred from any seachranaiche they meet. If they atone for abandoning their families (as determined by the family elder), they are welcomed back with no grudge.   Family structure tends to be polyamorous. A single elder is usually picked organically as the default leader. If no elder can be chosen, the family often splits.   While it is a member of the United Halla Alliance, it resides far from the alliance as they wander across the world oceans.

Demography and Population

The Seafoam Clusters are virtually all elves as it is the nomadic civilization that rose after the elven diaspora. There are approximately 116,000 citizens in the clusters.


The Seafoam Clusters are nomadic and their territory changes every year. Generally, though, a seachranaiche ship or clan can be found within a few dozen miles of any civilization's maritime borders. These territories are the result of an elven diaspora, which expelled the elves from their ancestral forests. It is not clear where the ancestral forests were and some consider such a location a legend.


The Seafoam Clusters have the most powerful navy in the United Halla Alliance. Virtually every clan ship has defensive capabilities, agile maneuverability, and sailors that have individually spent decades, if not over a century, on the water.

Technological Level

The Seafoam Clusters are experts at sailing, cuilúr sosiod sacred wood artifice, and magic related to the sea. However, they have little else in arcanum.   Seachranaiche farms have ingenious seeding for kelp, algae, and small fish flocks. These farming ships are often stuck in the flotillas and will rarely leave.


The Seafoam Clusters have numerous different spiritual practices, depending on the clan. Some revere the Celestial pantheon, some the Spirit pantheon, and others their ancestral line.

Foreign Relations

The Seafoam Clusters trade with virtually everyone in the United Halla Alliance, except for Llolani. Llolani is their most contentious ally -- many seachranaiche feel they are a dangerous fae nation who will prey on the elven desire to have a homeland again.   The Seafoam Clusters barter well with the Goldenwood. The Goldenwood supplies much of the lumber the Seafoam Clusters use in their shipbuilding and even helps enchant the sacred wood timber used to help control their magical ships.

Agriculture & Industry

The Seafoam Clusters have the most prolific fishing industry in the United Halla Alliance. Their food comes almost entirely from the waters, including kelp farms, fish, shellfish, and algae.

Trade & Transport

The flotilla of a clan of the Seafoam Clusters will sail together on ancient routes. When two clans intersect, they frequently trade with one another. Beyond that, an occasional trading vessel will leave a flotilla with an escort to make port at a land city or to another flotilla.


The major clans can have a ship devoted to the Stoa. The smaller clans often teach their young communally in their flotillas.   Most seachranaiche do not receive much of an education beyond family history, sailing techniques, survival, culture, and occasional traditional arcana. A few great seachranaiche are trained to be a cuilúr sosiod (/kɪˈlʲuːɾʲ sˠɔˈʃɔdʲ/, ship creator), which is a highly respected position. These master shipwrights are responsible for the integrity of all flotillas and ships the seachranaiche sail. They consult with artificers in the Goldenwood regarding sacred trees methods and they have unofficially acted as neutral diplomats amongst the clans.


The Seafoam Clusters do not have any static structures, territories, or layouts of their communities. Because they are nomadic sailors, the most valuable part of the infrastructure is the seachranaiche ships. These magical ships have no oars or rudders. Instead, they manipulate the water currents in a very close proximity to the ship in order to steer and slightly propel. Elegant sales gives a ship speed.   Seachranaiche clans will form flotillas. These massive networks of ships will erect bridges and platforms between each other. A large enough flotilla will resemble a floating town.
Political, Federation
Alternative Names
Chibhóbh Iaraseóc (/ˈxɪvʲoːvʲ ˈiəɾʲəˌiʃoːk/, Wave Travelers)
Seachranaiche (shea-chrah-nee-chai) ; Seafoam Nomad
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
The Seafoam Clusters follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
The Seafoam Clusters export fish, kelp, algae, and other maritime agriculture across the United Halla Alliance.
Major Imports
The Seafoam Clusters import wood, metal, building materials, tools, arms, and armor. Their primary trading partners include Irita, Eno, and the Goldenwood.
Legislative Body
The nine most powerful clans meet once every ten years to discuss power balances, the currents, and laws.
Judicial Body
Each clan has its own judicial court system. If there are crimes that span more than one clan, either diplomacy or the Arbiter's Outpost will serve as a judicial solution.
Parent Organization
Official Languages


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