New Halla

New Halla is a young nation on a recently restored landmass in the Marit region. It is mostly populated by indigious lizardfolk, colonial humans, and a few immigrants.   New Halla has many ruins of the Ancient Halla civilization on it, preserved by the magic that once submerged the landmass beneath the Marit sea. In the year 234 AR, a team of adventurers found the locks that kept the landmass under water and released it from its ancient enchantment. This rose the landmass back to the surface, where the ecology has slowly been recovering. It is a 'nation' in that there were native lizardfolk tribes, but they did not have a central power structure before this.   It is heavily tied to Irita, who is essentially funding its reformation. Some nations consider it a colony of Irita, but the human civilization will dismiss this.   Most New Hallans wear headdresses, feathers, breech-clout, and tunics of vivid colors (mostly green, red, and gold).

Demography and Population

The native people of New Halla are feathered lizardfolk and make up the majority of the population across multiple tribes. There is a single city of non-lizardfolk in the ruins of the Ancient Halla city Arcan. There is approximately 1.1 million sentients in New Halla.


New Halla is on a newly risen landmass that was once a minor island chain less than a century ago. The modern lizardfolk tribes have been there for their entire history, but archaeological digs in the uncovered cities of Arcan, Corpator, Myana, and Tessan have revealed elements of the Ancient Halla human empire, which ended thousands of years prior. Archaeologists believe that this used to be a major state and ancenstral home of the legendary era humans, before the great war.   New Halla is approximately 1.6 × 1012 fl2 (150,000 km2).


New Halla has no formal military yet, but there are allied tribes and their combined defensive forces.

Technological Level

The native tribes do not have a strong technological or arcane tradition. Irita's influence is bringing arcanum and mechanical studies to the tribes.


The native lizardfolk tribes revere the primal spirits. Their shamans are fantastic at taking on animalistic shapes. The foreigner city of Arcan has temples to the Celestial pantheon.

Foreign Relations

The New Halla provisional government is a part of the United Halla Alliance, but only has personal treaties with Irita. It does not have much of a presence with other civilizations yet.

Agriculture & Industry

There is a strong hunter-gatherer model for the native tribes and Irita has been shipping food to Arcan as a supplement. There is very little industry established other than an academic one -- archaeologists, ecologists, and arcanists are learning everything they can from the uncovered ruins, coral forests, and ancient magic long-unattended.

Trade & Transport

There is a single node to the Iritan Ethereal Translocation Network in Arcan, which is the main ingress/egress point for all trade and transportation to the islands. There is no formal road structure between the tribes, but there is a single paved road connecting Arcan to the tribal capital Silas.


Since Irita is funding the restoration of New Halla, it has brought the Stoa and Universitate to the local tribes as a chance for them to participate in more formal education. Local tribes have traditionally used elders to teach their youth.


Aside from the Silas-Arcan road and the network node in Arcan, there is little modern infrastructure in New Halla. The ancient cities suggested a robust network of highways, elegant cities, and impressive technology, but it has all fallen to ruin.
Founding Date
236 AR
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
Restored Halla
New Hallan; Hallan
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy
New Halla follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
New Halla does not export much other than relics and lizardfolk art.
Major Imports
New Halla imports anything it can, from food to textiles, from tools to weapons.
Legislative Body
Each native tribe has three representatives in a senate with one elected speaker (title of Ajaw). They decide on the legal direction of New Halla. The Iritan-funded cities have a single representative in the senate.
Judicial Body
The Arbiter's Outpost has a strong presence to help foster a code of justice and order.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages


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