
The Rimeland is the collection of territories in the far north. It is a fierce and inhospitable land covered in snow, ice, and harsh winds. The tieflings call it home, since that is where the connection to the Primeval nebula is strongest. It is rarely explored or entered by anyone, since there are few natural resources and even fewer civilized outposts. There are no strong economic or diplomatic ties to any other nation except for some neighboring Elkown tribes.   The tieflings mostly wish to be left alone in their communities worshipping the Dæmonic courts. A few have taken up the mantle of adventuring. They are hoping to get rid of some of the prejudice towards the tiefling race.   Rimeland is one of the most superstitious civilizations and one of the most humble. They fear the power of all the courts and all they represent. Magic is held in awe, respected, and feared. Rimelanders wear heavy furs, robes, and delicate jewelry. Tattoos are very commonplace, especially on horns.   Some arcane magic is practiced with the study of the Primeval court, but it is still rare.

Demography and Population

The Rimeland is a low-density region with about 3,300,000 total sentients. Tribes tend to be monoracial.


The Rimeland is a wide range of loose tribes and unpopulated territory. Many tribes have lived in the Rimeland for as long as their oral history can tell, so they claim ancestral home.   The Rimeland is approximately 4.66 × 1012 fl2 (433,000 km2).


The Rimeland has no formal, collective military. Each tribe individually trains its own warriors to defend and hunters to fight. The northern presence of the Mouth has actively engaged the Rimelander tribes. The tribes have slowed the progress of the Mouth, but they are unable to gain footing against the interlopers. Many tribes, including two orc tribes, have been destroyed by the Mouth.

Technological Level

Rimeland has virtually no technological developments compared to the rest of the United Halla Alliance. They hold magic in awe and the little magic that is practiced is usually shamanistic or occult.


The Rimeland has a variety of reverences, depending on the tribe at hand.   Many tiefling tribes revere and respect the Dæmonic court as spirits of morality tied to their lineage, or even the Primeval court as forces of creation.   Many minotaur tribes honor the Spirit pantheon and their ancestors.   Many human tribes honor very specific demiurges from the Celestial pantheon, the Cyclical pantheon, or a specific psycopomp from the Cyclical pantheon.   The three orc tribes revere the Spirit Pantheon.

Foreign Relations

The Rimeland has few relationships with other civilizations.   Their immediate neighbor of Elkown is their most frequent trading and diplomatic partner. Atina, upon learning of the ruins of an aasimar stronghold, wants to claim the territory, sanctify it, and restore it to the aasimar. Brasi supports Atina in this manner with its much more sizeable political clout.

Agriculture & Industry

Most of the Rimeland has a hunter gatherer tradition for its agricultural practice. The ground is frozen solid, so traditional agriculture is largely ineffective for the amount of work required. Fishing, hunting, and foraging are much more effective.   There is little industry in the Rimeland. Some of the mountain tribes are able to harvest ore and smelt it, but most rely on bone, wood, or imports.   Underneath the mountains of Zorike are fire giants, who have traded with surface tribes on occasion.

Trade & Transport

Rimeland has no major paved roads, regular caravans, or peddlers. Instead, tribes will invest a significant portion of their workforce to escort goods between tribes in order to evoke trade. There are some beasts of burden, like elk or reindeer, which have assisted in this.


The Rimeland has few Stoa and no Universitate campuses. Most education is run by village elders and professionals who teach their trade. If a member of the Rimeland tribes wants a more robust education, they have to leave for it. Most find themselves a more comfortable life elsewhere and don't return.


There is little established infrastructure in Zorike. Fresh water is collected from snow, ice, and glacial runoffs. A few hot springs are centers of community. There are ruins of ancient keeps in the mountains, which some tribes have settled in.
Political, Confederation
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Rimeland largely follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
Rimeland exports furs, crafts, and relics discovered in buried ruins.
Major Imports
Rimeland has imported food, tools, and weapons from Elkown and Dakurakol.
Legislative Body
The Truko Commune hosts a meeting of the tribes on a yearly basis to discuss matters pertaining to shared law. Individual tribes decide on their own practices.
Judicial Body
Individual tribes will seek out justice against local laws.
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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