Fairheight Range

This mountain range has always created a border between the northern and southern portions of Glanmoor. The mountains break up weather patterns, leaving the north more storm ravished than the calmer southern lands. Dwarven homes are nestled beneath the mountains with deep mines that draw ore to trade with the people of Glanmoor. Giants roam the mountains as well as a few wild orc tribes and mountain trolls, all of which has helped to create a dangerous division between the north and the south. However, the dwarves have opened Snowshield Pass which is an underground route that connects the north and the south crossing beneath the dangerous mountains. This pass is protected by dwarven guards who also require toll for passing and escort. Since it allows for ground movements along the island, the High Queen has allowed the Dwarves to collect their tolls.   In recent months, some of the dwarves of the mountains have reported finding some Fomorian scouts in the mountain passes on the surface.
Mountain Range
Location under