
Another one of the reclusive communities on the Shell, Mistyrood was named by the Gnomes as a reflection of that primarily Human community being built in close proximity to the base of a waterfall. The result of that community planning, or lack thereof, is a perpetually misty and damp atmosphere glistening off the bamboo rods from which the small settlement is made.   Contact is rarely made with these individuals, but when it is, it is clear that this is a devout religious community dedicated to the worship of the Zaratan itself. Gnomes do not believe in superstition, but they do believe in not messing with unknown variables. The cultists have always been here, their ceremonies seem to follow a fixed pattern; the Zaratan is chill and follows a pattern, no one knows what the z-value is here but until we do, let's just let the cultists stay on the Zaratan.   This arrangement is of endless frustration to the local Tenth community. They have a high demand for real estate on the Shell, and as the last colonists aboard, got stuck with the unflattering side of the great beast. Moving further north away from... that... would be immensely preferable; and yet some infidels get to squat there, one person per square acre, waving their arms around and splashing with leather hats on. I mean, honestly.
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