Ito Satomi

Satomi Ito

Ito Satomi is the Alpha of Satomi's Pack. She is believed to be the oldest living Werewolf.

Physical Description

Special abilities

In addition to the enhanced senses and strength common to all werewolves, Satomi has an unusually good healing factor, which is the cause of her extremely long life.

The cause of this is unknown, although she credits it to meditation, and her traditional japanese diet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Satomi's parents were first-generation Japanese immigrants, and Satomi was born onboad the ship before they arrived in San Francisco.

As a young woman, she was bitten by a werewolf, and recruited to his pack.

When the American government began ordering Japanese-American citizens to be rounded up and placed in internment camps, she asked her pack to hide her, but they refused, and her Alpha handed her over to the government.

She was initially placed in the Tule Lake Relocation Center, but due to severe overcrowding, was moved to Oak Creek Relocation Centre.

The stress and overcrowding strained her control, and she took to playing Go constantly, to focus her mind. However, when corruption among the medical staff lead to the death of a child from preventible viral pneumonia, she took part in the riot that followed.

During the riot, one of the military police pistol whipped Satomi, and she lost control and threw a molotov cocktail at them, accidentally hitting Rhys Maxon, who was trying to prevent violence.

Her healing factor enabled her to survive the Massacre that followed, as well as the later Nogitsune Massacre.

Overcome with guilt, she risked her life to help her friend Yukimura Noshiko to defeat and trap The Nogitsune.

After the nogitsune was defeated, she returned to her pack, where she challenged the Alpha. After defeating him, she became the new Alpha.

Shortly thereafter, she was approached by another survivor of Oak Creek, Samuel Eichman, who had been one of the doctors at Eichen House, the camp's medical center.

Eichman was haunted by what he had seen, but had no context for it. He had seen Satomi's eyes glow, and hoped she would be able to explain what had happened. She was initially resistant, as she believed revealing the truth to a human was an unecessary risk. However, shortly afterwards, there was an outbreak of Canine Distemper, which the Pack's Emissary was not able to treat.

As the only medical doctor with any knowledge of the supernatural available, she turned to Eichman for help, which he provided. In return, she told him the secrets of the supernatural, including the fact that The California Nemeton was the reason for the high number of supernatural beings in Beacon County.

Although she did not know the location of the Nemeton Grove, Eichman used what she had told him to blackmail her Emissary into taking him to the Nemeton.

When Eichman had the Nemeton cut down, the Emissary killed himself out of shame. As punishment, no replacement Emissary was ever assigned to her pack, and no Druids would work with them for many years, although she did eventually develop a working relationship with Alan Deaton.

As a result of all she had survived, Satomi turned to her Buddhist faith, which she also taught to her Betas. She gained a reputation for pacifism, but also isolationism, rarely getting involved in supernatural affairs, although she was friends with Laura Jane Hale and later Talia Hale.
Oak Moon
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
25th September 1906
Year of Birth
1906 CE 106 Years old
Onboard ship travelling from Tokyo to San Francisco
Aligned Organization


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