Session 9: "The Eternal Boundary"

General Summary

Resting after their encounter with Shadowflame . allowed TNO to pondered the 3rd Circle of Zerthimon but was yet unable to fully comprehend it.     Heading out, the party asked around The Gatehouse area about Eliath. They discovered someone had seen Eliath, and that he was among the Doomguard, a faction that believes in entropy for entropy’s sake. He was in a bar called the Black Sail in the Lower Ward.     We headed outside of Sigil to the Black Sail. It was located near the Armoury, in an industrial area full with smoke, fumes and soot. The inn is at the end of an alley between two armourers, and within we find a group of sullen crafters drinking in a common room.   Someone similar to the description of Eliath was sitting among a group of heavily armed Doomguard.   We sat at a table across the room, but seemed to be attracting some awkward attention. TNO sent Ethan’Owl’ to the rafters above the Doomguards to listen to the conversation below.   Eliath appeared to be acting as a leader of sorts, and the group were discussing plans relating to a raid in The Outlands (on the True Neutral Plane. Esmae used her mind powers to determine that he was talking about a place called Fortress Everlost. This is the home to a group of monks, and that it was poorly guarded. It is rumoured to contain information that the schemers sought to gain. However, seeking to obtain such ancient knowledge is not in keeping with the Doomguard philosophy. Eliath appeared to be trying hard to perform his role perfectly, seemingly aiming to impress.   After determining he was there they left the bar.     Thinking on what ther party had learned thery returned to Candrian to attempt to better understand the subtleties of what was being planned.   The Ka-Tet asked him of the Everlost Fortress, and he told them it is an old monastery that may possess some ancient knowledge, but that it was also attached to rumours of dark doings on behalf of a goddess (“”?????named”).   He believed they were linked with Ectaria, a world in stasis and decay. He warned them to be careful if getting involved with the machinations of the factions.     After that they went to find Gedramack at the crooked sword inn, but were unsuccessful.     The party therefore decided to enter The Mortuary in search of TNO’s old zombie companion, and Arvid used his collector status to smuggle the party inside. Again they met Soego, who greeted Arvid.   Consistent with our recent form of luck, the Ka-Tet did not find the zombie on the lowest level, so they proceeded up one level to the area near where TNO awoke. There, they did find a zombie looking like the man they sought, except he had his eyes sewn shut and the number 33 engraved upon him.   Arvid thought his details might be in archived books but that he needed to first apply to the archivist for access. This evidently would take a day.     The party used their spare time to again seek Gedramak, this time with more luck. He was most puzzled that Eliath was involved with the Doomguard.     During transits between the Mortuary and the Inn, the party encountered Gregory once again. This time he shrank to a small size and sat on Esmae’s lap. He emitted a fog from his nostrils to obscure them from the distracting children. Arvid, oddly, could perceive long shadows emanating from their obscured outlines.     Later in the day, when moving through the night-market, the party saw the ‘dancing man’ who we had witnessed being taken by Shadowflame and his gang. He was walking along dressed in the garb of one of The Mercykillers, gleaming armor and polished boots. He no longer seemed at all Barmy.   The party followed him, as he went to the Smoldering Corpse Bar and strode up to the other Mercykillers.   Tillaric Stormwing was another there also. He stated that he was from the world of Oerth. and had arrived 2 weeks earlier. He was actually in Sigil 10 yrs before, but misstepped and ended up in “hell” for 5 years. It was after this he became a Barmy. He tells that he returned to Sigil 3 weeks ago when he then died. He recalls being redeemed by St Cuthbert (a god who slays fiends) who gave him a 2nd chance, after which he returned to join the Mercykillers to smite fiends.     Returning to Lhar, the party asked if he might understand what is happening. He was unsure but he wondered if these apparently resurrected and changed individuals might be actually be infiltrators embedded into the different factions.     It was getting late, and so the Ka-Tet again returned to their accommodation to rest. During this time an Alarm spell TNO set to alert him was triggered, and the party awoke to notice the approach of Shadowflame and several thugs. Again the party fought this despicable man, and this time they managed to kill him. However one of his minions grabbed his body, crushed a pearl and vanished. He did leave behind a small parchment, written on which was ‘bring the new recruit to citadel at the 3rd chime – signed T’   TNO raised one of the other thug’s corpses for interrogation. He learned that Shadowflame is based in The Citadel, which can be accessed via the Mortuary. He would not tell him, more, and would sooner die than to cross Green Marvent. His body was marked with a symbol that was not known to the group.   As they could learn no more, the party returned him to Dar’ioch. She she tells them that his symbol appears to be that of The Illuminated, a banned faction. It appeared that they may be behind the conspiracy to steal the powers fron the Outland monastery. Upon hearing this TNO recalled that he was once a member of this faction and gained the ‘Illuminated Feat’.     The party again tried to rest and successfully did so this time.     Upon waking they returned to the Mortuary.   Arvid felts that the cremation area on the 3rd floor might actually be a portal to a ‘fiery’ plane. When they arrive on the third level of the mortuary, they see an intense fire with a grey haired woman standing nearby.   Toranna, dressed in Dusty’s robes, panics when she sees the Ka-Tet yelling that they will never take her alive. She drew out a red glass bead and with it opened a portal full of flames. She also took out a Charcoal Charm and jumped into the portal.   Arvid approached the Collectors in the room telling them that she was a spy in their midst. He demanded access to her records, which revealed she had access to the receiving book.   Within she had detailed the arrival of a drained scarred husk two days earlier. Another note indicated she was keeping watch for the arrival of 2 bodies needing special cremation, Eliath and Tillaric Stormwing.   Arvid noted that her writing was identical to that penned in the note Shadowflame had dropped.   The dusties helped to locate the bodies Toranna had been working on, and the party discover the corpse of Radine. Her face bore a look of terror, her body seemed drained, and it appeared she had died without any apparent injury. She was possibly killed by wraiths.   The group locate a bag of portal keys, used their charcoal charms, and lept through the flaming portal.   The Ka-Tet arrived at The Citadel, landing on a large rock in a sea of flame.     Session end
Report Date
19 Aug 2023