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Ardo Hune

Private Ardo Hune

The most caring of the 22nd Scouts, Ardo was the team medic and emotional support. Known for his frequent outbursts of yelling, the young healer went from an unconfident rookie to a war hero, but the scars of war at yet to show themselves on the young human, as his formerly expression and emotional side is buried under the sadness of lost friends and defeat.   Ardo was a new recruit to the scouts, finally joining his childhood best friend Heli Ristor in the military when The Snow Lord's war began. Present from the fall of Vorrenborg to the death of the Snow Lord in the Battle of Jastingrag, Ardo has been showered in military decorations since the end of the war, yet the loss he bore of his friend seems to much for the young idealist.   Ardo's attitude to life has improved since Doomed 2 Die's leaving Jameleska party on the Swaying Whale where he had a heart to heart with Reeve Mester and Deputy Cass then danced with the drag persona of Prince Haakon, Harriet.   In combat, Ardo used his Titan gear to zip into the frontline and use his specialist healing potions to remedy any injuries. This saved plenty of lives in his short time with the party, and his caring nature made this profession a suitable calling for him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

War of the Walls Arc

After Vorrenborg, Ardo passionately defended Heli at the court martial with the war council, and was thankful to the members of Doomed 2 Die for helping free his friend. Ardo joined the party on the way to eagle falls, and avoided the initial attack, allowing him to participate in the battle alongside Heli, Ivar, and Doomed 2 Die. Ardo waited at the camp with the other companions during the fall of Eagle Falls, and spent his time keeping Heli safe.   On the way to Storonthorpe, Ardo was assigned to Flygir's squad to go cross country and meet at the rebel base. Ardo was amongst the companions captured in Storonthorpe when the snow lord attacked, and was freed from his prison by Doomed 2 Die after they defeated the Snow Lord and Boulder Jarl.   Ardo was again sent with Flygir squads to take down a Wyvern whilst Doomed 2 Die escorted Einar to the Basilisk Library. Ardo met up with the party outside Astergor, and worked as a medic during the battle ofTheygor.   Ardo was chosen to accompany the party into Fasingos, and used his healing to try and stabilise the party as the demilich Gryllfagor assaulted them. Ardo journeyed with the party into the Plane of Air with Falia Rayes.   In the battle of Jastingrag, Ardo was again assigned as the Medic with Lt. Braer to help cover him. He Saw Heli go down, but didn’t make it time to save him from being eaten by the Snow Lord. Ardo mourned Heli, openly weeping at the dead body of his life long friend. Since that incident, Ardo has not quite been the same.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 48, Wall Vorrenborg Falls
Current Location
Light Blue/Grey
Short, bowl cut, blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"HELLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIII" - Ardo whenever his friend had the mildest of inconvinence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 15
  • Session 48: Wall Vorrenborg Falls
  • Session 49: The Titans
  • Session 50: Weeping Halls
  • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
  • Session 52: Titansgrove
  • Session 54: Boom and the Jotun are Gone
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2
  • Session 94: Return of the Bard


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