Mau Diwa-Net

Our Divine Guardians

The only currently known copy is being held by a Rare Books Dealer named Atu Hanif- an Ilerian male who owns and operates a Bookshop called The All-Seeing Eye in the city of Sotep-Shiran, located in the Chisisi Desert.

The Mau Diwa-Net is a gold leather bound book measuring nine inches long, eight and a half inches wide, and two inches thick. The only thing on the cover is the book's title and a translation in the Common Tongue (Mau Diwa-Net, or 'Our Divine Guardians').   Written entirely in the Celestial script of the Divine, the book is incredibly clear and easy to read for those who actually understand Celestial; inside it contains a number of black and white charcoal illustrations with fine gold leaf accents- all of which detail religious scenes from Ilerian and Enethian mythology. Additionally there are several notes written in the margins in an archaic tongue (Ayenian) throughout the book. Several more pieces of paper with notes expanding on information in the book are found between pages throughout- though these appear to be written in the Ilerian dialect; some pages within the book are dog-eared and the notes there appear to mark incorrect information in the book for those who can speak Ilerian.   The focus of the book appears to be on those figures who ascended to Divinity within their pantheon, known as the Na Diwa; a study of the book will show no useful information unless they individual is specifically studying Ilerian or Enethian religious mythology.
Item type
Book / Document   Significance
Religious / Spiritual   Rarity
Extremely Rare   Author
9 in / 23 cm long
8 in / 20 cm wide
2 in / 5 cm thick

Cover image: Manuscript by Sam Moqadam


Author's Notes

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I absolutely love getting feedback on my setting and its worldbuilding. I love it even more when people poke and prod at it, and ask questions about the things I've built within it. I want both. I actively encourage both. And it makes me incredibly giddy whenever I get either. However, there's a time and a place for critique in particular- mostly when I've actually asked for it (which usually happens in World Anvil's discord server). And when I do ask for critique, there are two major things I politely request that you do not include in your commentary:   ➤ The first is any sort of critique on the way I've chosen to organize or format something; Saleh'Alire is not a narrative world written for reader enjoyment... It's is a living campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons. To that end, it's written and organized for my players and I, specifically for ease of use during gameplay- and our organization needs are sometimes very different than others'. They are especially diferent, often-times, from how things "should be organized" for reader enjoyment.   ➤ Secondly, is any critique about sentence phrasing and structure, word choice, and so on; unless you've specifically found a typo, or you know for a provable fact I've blatantly misued a word, or something is legitimately unclear explicitly because I've worded it too strangely? Then respectfully: Don't comment on it; as a native English speaker of the SAE dialect, language critique in particular will almost always be unwelcome unless it's absolutely necessary. This is especially true if English is not you first language to begin with. My native dialect is criticized enough as it is for being "wrong", even by fellow native English speakers ... I really don't want to deal with the additional linguistic elitism of "formal english" from Second-Language speakers (no offense intended).   That being said: If you want to ask questions, speculate, or just ramble? Go for it! I love talking about my setting and I'm always happy to answer any questions you have, or entertain any thoughts about it. Praise, of course, is always welcome too (even if it's just a casual "this is great", it still means a lot to authors)- and if you love it, please don't forget to actually show that love by liking it and sharing it around. Because I genuinely do enjoy watching people explore and interact with my setting, and ask questions about it, and I'd definitely love to hear from you... Just be respectful about it, yeah?

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