Temple of the Three

Home of Ve Anve'Tri

Saleh'Alire » Religious Temples Olienn Fea'lora Port Isilaenor

Established in Port Isilaenor, on the edge of both the River Cealita and ancient Thaeronir Forest- all located in the Fea'Lora province of southern Olienn- the Temple of the Three is the largest temple dedicated to the Ve Anve'Tri- or the Elven deities Anheara, Corellon, and Enoreth. It is largely considered the center of their cult and worship.  

Construction & Legacy


Cathedral / Great temple   Function
Religious Temple / Worship   Location
Port Isilaenor
Fea'Lora, Olienn
Current Owners
King Idyal e'Hatania   Founders
High Priest Yaemah e'Cearose
High Priest Ivael e'Belnae   Construction Date

Floor Plan & Facilities

Despite its size and level of importance to the Elven faith, the Temple of the Three is actually quite modest in size compared to most Temples (but especially those designed by Elves in particular) ... What it lacks in size, however, it more than makes up in detail- easily being one of the most ornately designed buildings in all of Port Isilaenor.   Sittuated squarely on the Cealita's riverbank, it's hard not to notice it; the Temple's glinting two storey marble facade, Sunstone cornices, ornately carved gem encrusted walls, and towering stained glass dome, act as an eye-catching beacon to any ship (or person) entering the city at all hours of the day.  
Entrance to the Temple where all staff and Priests, visiting patrons, etc, must enter; a set of double ornate stairs on either side in the entrance leads upstairs to the Chapel High.
Chapel & Chapel High
Main Hall or body of the Temple containing the idols for worship, and plenty of benches so that visiting patrons may listen in on sermons or sit in quiet reflection in the Deities' divine presence; a set of stairs in the entrance of the Temple leads to the Chapel High where additional patrons can get better viewing or solitude if the lower floors are too crowded for their taste.
A private office for the presiding High Priest to conduct formal Temple business, keep the Temple books, etc.
Private Kitchens meant for the Priests and other Temple staff only; a set of plain stairs leads up to the bedrooms.
Preists' Rooms
A small bunk room meant for the Priests and other Temple staff, and for traveling Priests, so that they may rest when needed.
Temple of the Three

Public Services

  Outside of the twice daily spiritual services and routine spiritual counseling and guidance that all Priests are obligated to provide their flock- as well as generally keeping their doors open for the public to visit during Sun Hours- the Temple also provides no significant services to the outside public; they have no Alms Master, no Hospital, or any other additional wings, and what small kitchen and room they have is reserved for the Priests and other staff.   Regardless of whether it is because of the general opinion of Oliennesian Elves as a whole- or because of the small size of their Temple in the first place ... The Priests of the Temple of the Three consider their work purely of a spiritual nature, and it never extends to the social or political elements that some other places of worship provide.  
Due to its small size, the Temple of the Three also doesn't keep much staff on hand; only just enough- or what is necessary for the every day function of the Temple, and for its general protection.  
Lesser Staff
01 Senior Priests
03 Lesser Priests
10 Paladins
02 Clerics
01 Administrators
02 Assistants
02 Stewards
01 Directors
01 Head Cooks
02 Scullery Aids
02 Groundskeepers
02 Custodians
High Priest
Odal e'Taerith   Second Priest
Clära Thiysär   Security Master
Dargon e'ta Valyra   Security Steward
Enwain Valen
Ceremony Master
Andramya ar'Kanion   Ceremony Steward
Paedor Rhienrys   Master of Knowledge
Siratha e'Ibros   Master of Arcana
Neliata e'Danaer


Author's Notes

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I absolutely love getting feedback on my setting and its worldbuilding. I love it even more when people poke and prod at it, and ask questions about the things I've built within it. I want both. I actively encourage both. And it makes me incredibly giddy whenever I get either. However, there's a time and a place for critique in particular- mostly when I've actually asked for it (which usually happens in World Anvil's discord server). And when I do ask for critique, there are two major things I politely request that you do not include in your commentary:   ➤ The first is any sort of critique on the way I've chosen to organize or format something; Saleh'Alire is not a narrative world written for reader enjoyment... It's is a living campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons. To that end, it's written and organized for my players and I, specifically for ease of use during gameplay- and our organization needs are sometimes very different than others'. They are especially diferent, often-times, from how things "should be organized" for reader enjoyment.   ➤ Secondly, is any critique about sentence phrasing and structure, word choice, and so on; unless you've specifically found a typo, or you know for a provable fact I've blatantly misued a word, or something is legitimately unclear explicitly because I've worded it too strangely? Then respectfully: Don't comment on it; as a native English speaker of the SAE dialect, language critique in particular will almost always be unwelcome unless it's absolutely necessary. This is especially true if English is not you first language to begin with. My native dialect is criticized enough as it is for being "wrong", even by fellow native English speakers ... I really don't want to deal with the additional linguistic elitism of "formal english" from Second-Language speakers (no offense intended).   That being said: If you want to ask questions, speculate, or just ramble? Go for it! I love talking about my setting and I'm always happy to answer any questions you have, or entertain any thoughts about it. Praise, of course, is always welcome too (even if it's just a casual "this is great", it still means a lot to authors)- and if you love it, please don't forget to actually show that love by liking it and sharing it around. Because I genuinely do enjoy watching people explore and interact with my setting, and ask questions about it, and I'd definitely love to hear from you... Just be respectful about it, yeah?

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