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The Dunorian Calendar

At the beginning of the Golden Epoch a Dunorian sage, or perhaps a group of them, came up with the Dunorian calendar, to track the days of the year. It divides the year into ten 35-day months and three 5-day festivals, making the year 365 days long. The Sarkarans have adobted the calendar and translated the names of the months to Sarkaran, but have otherwise changed nothing about it.

The Months

The months are each 35 days, or 5 weeks, long. They are:

Sterilis (Barrening) - The first month of the year following the midwinter festival, and usually the coldest.
Domandi (Taming) - Often the most perilous month of the year, when winter stores run out if the previous year's harvest was bad.
Calidum (Warming) - The third month of the year, where spring will arrive in earnest, and farmers begin to plant for the harvest.
Satus Aestatis (Summer Festival) - A five day celebration marking the transition from spring to summer, when farmers sow their last seed.
Viridis (Verdant) - The fourth month of the year, marked by mild weather and showers.
Radiantes (Radiance) - A warm summer month.
Culmenus (Cresting) - The hight of the summer.
Acuere (Sharpening) - The last month of the summer, and often the warmest month of the year.
Cerenalia (Harvest Festival) - A five day celebration, marking the end of summer, before the harvest begins.
Messis (Harvest) - The eighth month of the year, and the month where farmers harvest their crops for the winter.
Hebetes (Dulling) - The end of autumn, and the beginning of winter.
Tenebrae (Looming) - The last month of the year, where winter begins in earnest.
Brumanalia (Midwinter Festival) - A five day celebration to mark the end of the year.

The Weeks

The weeks are 7 days long, and named for each of the Seven. In Sarkaran, the names of the days use the Fioran names for the gods. They are:

Orday - The day named for Arathion (Hortr), and a day usually reserved for service in the Church of Light.
Hothday - The day named for Baal (Hothro).
Elhoday - The day named for Liadriel (Elhoch).
Vanday - The day named for Rhya (Vandi).
Budunday - The day named for Ethelaius (Buduni).
Frioday - The day named for Luseidos (Frio).
Drogoday - The day named for Morgesh (Drogo).

The Epochs

The Dunorian calendar is divided into epochs, each of which helps track the years of the calendar. They are:

Saeculum Dilucescum (The Dawning Epoch) - The first age tracked by the Dunorian calendar, ostensably starting right at the end of Unura's Winter, counting the years backwards till the start of the Golden Epoch.
Saeculum Aureum (The Golden Epoch) - The age when the calendar was started, counting from the year the great temple The Pantheon was inaugurated in the Dunorian capital of Dunethel.
Secundo Bello Cineres (The Second War of Ashes) - Counted as its own epoch, the great calamity that befell Sildair marks the end of the Golden Epoch and the decline of the Empire of Dunor.
Saeculum Argentum (The Silver Epoch) - The current age of the Dunorian calendar.


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