Magicians' End Linguistic Overview

The diagram at the head of the article, represents the relationship between the most important languages used throughout the history of Magicians' End and how they have influenced one another. Each of the languages or language families in the diagram is covered in a little more detail within its own specific article, which can be found under the parent languages category, and/or linked also at the bottom of this page for convenience.   The languages coloured in lincoln green towards the bottom of the schema are living human languages with active speakers in today's world. The ones shown in white are dead native languages with varying degrees of historic interest, but all of them important in their own place and time. Languages shown in red are of alien origin, coming into Magicians' End from the wider Discontinuum.  

Linguistic Evolution

  It is thought that before the time of the Painted Peoples, there may have been a number of early languages which have been lost to modern scholars and are not shown in the diagram at the head of the page. Evidence for these languages survives in small untranslatable fragments and in hints within proto Julkai, suggesting that it had earlier anticedents than Wet Cursive. In any case, before the time of the Old Kingdoms, Wet Cursive had become the universal language of the Painted Peoples in north western Myruthea and it has a very strong claim to be the progenitor of all subsequent native languages. When the Kingdom of Myruth was founded, a more sophisticated variant known as Dry Cursive had taken hold and in fact, it is from Dry Cursive that almost all modern languages descend, with the sole exception of Julkai, which is known to have branched from the root of Wet Cursive at an earlier date.   Equinu and Julkai are the languages of the continent of Punjuki and of interest to linguists because they are the most ancient of the living tongues. Although they have evolved internally over thousands of years, they have remained relatively pure, unaffected by the cross pollination and more rapid changes which have characterised the languages of Myruthea and Tinturbean, over the same time frame. Equinu is the more important and widely spoken of these two tongues, with Julkai, the more ancient, only holding on in the far south of Punjuki.   As the Old Kingdoms spread over Myruthea and Tinturbean, the dominance of the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding led to the spread of High Trinitarian on Tinturbean and Low Trinitarian on Myruthea and on Zisleth, where it was the language of the Kingdom of Snowborne.   After the civilisation shattering events of the Sundering, Westoric evolved out of High Trinitarian on Tinturbean, whilst on Myruthea, Low Trinitarian would mutate into proto Empyrian, the language that would go on to become the main form of communication within the Old Pale Empire and perhaps the most widely spoken language which Magicians' End has ever known, before or since.   The Planar Conformation which brought the continent of Novanoir into the world, also brought three alien languages, the Dark Bleed, Pan Zoophraisic and Illbrathic. Of these, the first two have never been spoken beyond the confines of the Dark Domains whilst Illbrathic came to the shores of Myruthea with the invasions that followed and was widely spoken by the conquerors of Sunrock, so much so that elements of the language found their way into Serall, a post Empyrian successor language that was spoken in the west of Myruthea in the early centuries after the fall of the Old Pale Empire.   The collapse of the Old Pale Empire led to a fragmenation of culture and language with regional variations in Empyrian becoming languages in their own right. In Tinturbean, Beaneese adopted also elements of Westoric and is still spoken on that continent today. Serall we have already mentioned. On the eastern plains of Myruthea, the cities of Klaractazum and Zalgurim gave birth to the so called, "twin market languages" of Zumash and Gralce. To the south, Sea Speak became a unifying tongue, widely spoken also along the coasts of Punjuki, wherever there was trade with the larger continent after the rise of the Water Kingdoms from the end of the fifth century APC.   Much later, during the Time of Terrors in the early fourth millenium APC, the Owlblood from the Moonside of Noctaliya brought their language of Noctan to the city of Quarowl via the Noctaliyan Gate. Noctan is still spoken in Owlblood communities and although it has never been adopted by humans, aspects of the language have found their way into Ossanifrean, a modern hybrid between Beaneese and Sea Speak which is the primary language of the Trans-Oceanic Empire.   During the age of the Limit Protectorate the language of Limitation was first heard on Magicians' End, brought here by the hated Limit Princes. Of all the languages discussed here, this one was the least spoken and had the least long term impact but it should be included for completeness.   Finally, we reach the most recent modern language, Alchix, still in the process of development but based on aspects of Equinu and a unification of Zumash and Gralce. This mode of speech arose during the time of Ixthamon, when the mad mage forcefully brought Punjuki culture and Equinu specifically, to the plains of Myruthea. Alchix is now a tongue spoken in the cities of the Alchemical Alliance, where its nature as a linguistic alchemical fusion chimes with the philosophy of the new union of ancient city states.

Cover image: Magicians' End - Languages by DMFW with Draw.IO


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