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10/19/213 - Report of Walter Lefkaris

General Summary

Scouting for Resources Report
[Written report of Walter Lefkaris as dictated to Gatefall Company employee Bernard Krieser for 1 Stuiver.]   I met a curious couple, Nilivander and Sigrid Steel, as I went through the Gate. They were very friendly and, not long after our meeting, we exchanged headbutts. Sigrid got the better of the exchange. I then saw Anja.   [Bernard here. He starts to talk about his sister but stops and makes me scratch it out. I saw them talking in not so hushed tones. They seem to have a lot to work out, especially with Anja's Expedition. I don't think it will affect their performance though. They seem devoted more than ever to finding Resources.]   We went to the Woods southeast of Horde Hill. The defenders at Horde Hill nearly shot Sigrid! Amateurs. He's lucky he only got a scolding. We left Horde Hill and encountered an Armored Undead riding a Skeletal Horse. He appeared to be a leader. He had two undead dogs. We killed them. I blasted the rider and I took his enchanted longsword. Undead horse ran away. We followed it. Nilivander showed me how his Armor works. Fascinating. I did not know people could build such things. Truly a brilliant mind. We got to a manor. As we approached, we were attacked by undead. I was in pitched battle with an undead dog that bit the hell out of me. Stigr tried to help, but his magic arrow exploded in our faces and I was knocked unconscious. Now I have a burn scar. It's kind of attractive, actually. Maybe I'll go light on the healing and keep a soft battle scar on my neck at Sigrid's suggestion. We encountered this screeching zombie woman. The others called her a banshee. I couldn't understand her Latian. Her screeching made me freeze in place. And then pain. My ears are still ringing and my head still feels like it's being struck repeatedly. I killed the banshee with my new enchanted sword. We harvested the banshee's ectoplasm.   The undead were all recent. Turned within a few years. We theorize that these humans recently became Zombies. Defensive wounds suggest they killed some undead but were overwhelmed and became undead themselves. The house appears to have been a home for people who were wealthy. We took some of the candelabras and silverware. We found a skeleton with a knife. It had stabbed itself. Based on the dress, that must have been the remains of the banshee in life. Shepard says the banshee was looking for her child Lucius. We found a scroll on the table. The father of the house was Lucius Priscus, the Quaestor of Sirmium. Petra thinks he was a tax collector. He referred to a "cold Plague-Death " and a "hell on earth" overtaking them. He sent his son Lucius the Younger with his signet ring to a temple of Zarus southwest of here. Perhaps more information or the valuable item itself will be found there. These people... they weren't ancient corpses. The cataclysm that seems to have befallen whatever civilization once stood here seems to be within recent memory. Either this world is now empty of Human civilization, or we are simply far away from other civilizations like ours. And whatever caused this downfall could still be out there... Sorry, didn't mean to muse out loud.   We Surveyed the area. We found these hawks with blood red feathers on their backs that fade to a pinkish brown on their front side. Sigrid calls them steel hawks. They live in flocks. They flew from the treeline to the mountains where there were other larger flying shapes. Harpies, apparently. There were groups of them clustered in this one part of the mountains. Perhaps a nest? We found a path up there as well. We returned to Gatefall and on the way we saw a shiny crystalline structure interfaced in a cliff face. It appears to be a vein of Lead/Galena. We harvested it and went home. End of report.

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