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Richard Bartlett


Written by Wierdalien1

Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Martin Bartlett, CGM, DSM**, LVO, OBC (a.k.a. Mini Boss.)

The Earth born 2i/C of the 1st Solent Rifles: The Royal Black Jackets, Richard was previously the 2i/C of Queen's Own Anti-Revolutionary Company and was involved with the American Pushback, Kenyan Kerfuffle and the Troubles, as well as commanding peace keeping forces in the Scotland colonies. Before that, as an Officer with the Scots Guard, he was involved in border skirmishes along the African Supersector, defending it opportunistic Fury attacks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pretty good, despite missing his right arm. Replaced with a cybernetic one. His right rib cage also has had bones replaced. His muscle tone is at the peak of its capabilities.   A- No known allergies Right Handed

Body Features

Clean shaven, though his hair is always over regulation length.

Facial Features

Round face, hair line not receding, straight nose and hard jaw line.

Identifying Characteristics

Right Cybernetic arm and replacement ribs.   Small tattoo on his left arm that says: Not This Arm.

Physical quirks

Right handed, even before the incident, but the cybernetic arm makes tasks more accurate and has become a better shooter as a result, but still not as good as Alastair or Major Thomas Johnson.

Apparel & Accessories

Standard Uniform Regulations but with buttons in groups of threes and purple backing on rank stars and qualification tabs.   2806 Infantry Sword issued to him as Scots Guard have previously fought the furies in 2752-2757 and can keep it due to them fighting with him in the regiment in 2961-5 as part of their shove aimed to take advantage of the Tarquin assaults.

Specialized Equipment

EM-5 Mk2 Rifle. CATAPHRACT heavy infantry glass reactive armour, both retained from Scot's Guard service.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Open minded and easy going, Richard is a proper officer, born on Earth to middle class shop managers, and holding a degree in pre-Commonwealth history obtained from the University of Michigan. He was commissioned from the Military Academy, Sandhurst, before being posted to the Scots Guards. Richard joined them as a, more than slightly wet behind the ears, 2nd Lieutenant aged 25, and was dropped straight into the border skirmish with the Furies that had been sparked by Tarquin migration. His first year had him involved in several raids against the Furies, the Scots Guards non-mechanised infantry battalions were used to rough up Fury industry by doing orbital raiding. His first Distinguished Service Medal came in 2963, when he saved the lives of his platoon by sneaking through a buliding to open the loading bay doors, allowing his men to get to get into the factory they were raiding.   Promoted up through the ranks, and often being moved companies, as well as battalions he did so. Some how he always ended up at the front, never quite ending up doing the ceremonial duties that the Guards are famous for. This caused Richard to rackup 8 major campaigns in a very short time, both as a command officer and as the operations officer at company, battalion and regimental levels, until he became the 2iC of the regiment. Granted the brevet rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, he was not in that job long, before a new opportunity came knocking.   Due to Richard's experience as a large (10+) multi-battalion S-3 (Operations), and Command Officer, the then Lieutenant-Colonel Alastair Macgregor approached, the now 35 year old, Richard to become his S-3 for the newly created Queen's Own Anti-Revolutionary Company. Richard accepted, looking for a change in pace, becoming Macgregor's most important staff officer, other than the S-2 (Intelligence). The S-3 role for the QOARC required him to follow Macgregor around on the major operations, co-ordinating the operations of the local section, 10th section, any other sections placed in reserve, MI5, and the Navy.   After successfully completed this role for 5 years, Richard was given the 2iC role of QOARC and command over 4th section, United Kingdom, a nominal desk job, and finally received his substantive Lieutenant-Colonelcy. This was as a consolation prize after being hideously tortured, when he was captured by an American Revolutionary zealot, who wanted to punish Alastair Macgregor, for the execution of Colonel Hamilton Smith. Unfortunately, for Richard, the Zealot thought he had kidnapped Macgregor and as such broke his ribs and cut his arm off. He would have been beheaded, if not for Alastair's timely arrival. In the aftermath of the rescue effort, he was introduced to 4th section's Staff Sergeant Alice Locke whom he enthusiastically promoted to his WO2.   Upon the disbanding of the company, Richard stayed with his CO, and best friend, becoming his 2iC for the 1st Solent Rifles, rather than getting his own regiment, He chose this job because of his loyalty to Alastair and his (secret) love for Alice.

Gender Identity





Military Academy: Sandhurst.
University of Michigan: Pre-commonwealth history (2150-2371) (1st class with Honours)


Appointment and Unit. (Rank and approx time held)

Commanding Officer, 4th section, 2i/C; The Queen’s Own Anti-Revolutionary Company, (Lieutenant-Colonel, 4 years)
S-3 (Operations) ; The Queen’s Own Anti-Revolutionary Company (Major, 5 years)
2i/C; The Scots Guard (Lieutenant-Colonel Brevet, 6 months)
Regimental S-3; The Scots Guard (Major, 1 year, 6 months)
Commanding Officer 8th Batt; The Scots Guard (Major, 3 years)
2i/C 10th Batt; The Scots Guard (Captain, 1 years)
Officer Commanding, 4th company; 3rd Batt; The Scots Guard (Captain, 1 year)
S-3 1st company, 5th Batt; The Scots Guard (Captain, 2 years 3 months)
S-3 3rd company, 5th Batt; The Scots Guard (1st Lieutenant, 3 months)
Platoon Commander 12th platoon, 3rd Coy, 5th Batt; The Scots Guard (1st Lieutenant, 1 year)
Platoon Commander 8th platoon, 3rd Coy, 5th Batt; The Scots Guard (2nd Lieutenant, 6 months)

Commissioned: 6/9/2961  
Completed Degree: 26/7/2960

Accomplishments & Achievements

List of Awards for Gallantry and Service.

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (2976)
Distinguished Service Medal** (2963, 2971, 2978)
Officer of the British Commonwealth (2969)
Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (2979)
Purple Heart*** (2962, 2965, 2971, 2976)
Long Service and Good Conduct* (2971, 2982)
8 General Service Medals (2962, 2964, 2964, 2965, 2967, 2967, 2968, 2969)
Winner of the Uncivil War (2961).

Mental Trauma

Pretty bad PTSD from torture and loss of arm. Does not respond well to long periods of solitude and subsequently does not sleep in private quarters on campaign.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mathematically driven, though with a surprising degree of empathic ability, driving his operational capability forward.


Is in love with his BSM, this is frowned upon.

Personality Characteristics


Richard dreams of having some courage and asking out his favourite woman in the world. But he also, like Alastair, wants to leave the Commonwealth better than he found it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Richard's skill is in blending short term tactics with long term strategy especially on the regimental level, using battalions to their greatest skill.   Is actually kind of a crappy shot, which is why he became a staff officer in the first place. But as he says, he's an officer, his weapons are his men. His job is to wield that weapon correctly and not damage it.   But he is suspiciously good at snooker.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Gin, stupid hats, good movies, short women and intelligent people. He also loves snooker. and if Alastair really pushes him, he admits to liking cricket too. (Alastair and Richard are two old English gentlemen stuck 1100 years too late. They love the classics, cricket and gin.)   He dislikes bad planning, marines, and other staff officers who faff about.

Virtues & Personality perks

Extremely zen and centred, even with his PTSD.

Personality Quirks

Has severe PTSD-linked phantom pain in his cybernetic arm in components not wired to his pain neurons. It reduces in combat.


Contacts & Relations

Commanding Officer: The Scot's Guard.   Commanding Officer: The Household Divison   Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Lomo: Commanding Officer, 4th Battalion; Household Cavalry Regiment.

Family Ties

Father: Richard Bartlett
Mother: Claire Bartlett
Brother: Harry Bartlett
Sister: Lauren Bartlett

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Blunt but exceedingly polite, gets to the point and doesn't mince words. Never swears at anyone but Alastair. Apart from to repeat back to them in a snarky fashion.


Drinks only half pints and only when Alastair is buying. Otherwise is a G&T drinker. Alastair calls him a bloody officer. Richard calls him a lout.   Has a habit of standing in doorways to talk to people.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys gardening, playing Cricket and snooker. Reading about pre-Commonwealth history and discussing it with Alastair. He enjoys winding Patrick Ironsides up.


Baritone and extremely Received Pronunciation, speaks slowly choosing his words properly.


Alastair Macgregor

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Richard Bartlett



Richard Bartlett

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Alastair Macgregor




Meeting in 2970, when Richard volunteered for the QOARC and was selected for by Alastair to be his operations officer. As Alastair's S-3 Rick was by his side everyday for nearly 6 years, and in that time they found, despite their relative differences in upbringing and class, they had a lot in common.

Nicknames & Petnames

Rick, The Nightwatchman.   Ali, The Doctor.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Cricket, History, Snooker and Crappy music

Shared Secrets

Rick's love for Alice, Alastair's smoking habit.

Shared Acquaintances

The Corps, The Queen.

Wealth & Financial state

Richard is well off, but not rich in the standards of the Commonwealth.
Lieutenant Colonel Tab with previous service flash by Myself
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Bartlett CGM, DSM**, LVO, OBC
2iC: 1st Solent Rifles, Commanding Officer: 2nd Battalion.  
Serial Number
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
2937 CE 45 Years old
Sol System, Earth, England, Hertfordshire.
Current Residence
Dirty Blonde, out of regs length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white
Quotes & Catchphrases
Too right;
That's Colonel -insert swearword aimed at Richard- to you.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Catechoic Spanish, Xhosa.
Character Prototype
Josh brolin as Cable.

Cover image: by Myself
Character Portrait image: Richard Bartlett


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