
A lava planet close to the Beta Targos star, owned by the Unified Arkan Council.   Hazal - despite its extreme temperature - would become home to billions of Innerworldian Harkas and became entirely covered with life. They developed a number of seperate subspecies from the spaceborne innerworldians - known collectively as Hazalians. The Hazalians would not 'technologically' advance as quickly as the space innerworldians - until the latter attempted invasions on their planet, inspiring them to begin bioengineering more advanced critters often. They would invent a number of airborne, engineered organisms that would target enemy creatures and attempe to kill them, remniscient of some forms of anti air missile. Many of these were used to destroy invaders - but ultimately the Hazalians would stand no chance with no way to counterattack.   They could not yet reach space, so they engineered a new kind of organism that would interfere with the hivemind ability of harkas. By using these jammers and using them on the space innerworldians, they could cause enemy bioships to fall and crash into the planet or various other undesirable effects. As more advanced bioships began to crash into Hazal, the local population reverse-engineered the bioships there and gained a better understanding of space travel - but for now due to the casualties caused, the space innerworldians would leave Hazal alone and instead attack other planets or asteroids that were perhaps more easy ot invade than having to deal with the hivemind jammer organisms.Among many threats, the lava and volcanic ash were perhaps 2 major hazards. The nature of survival on a planet such as this was that one had to be prepared to avoid volcanic ashfalls by constantly monitoring volcanoes for signs of eruption. In some cases, the bodies of those who could not escape from the ash in time are found, still excellently preserved. Many creatures also fell into the lava, killing them quickly but often quite painfully.
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