
The ice planet in the Beta Targos System.   Glais, like all of the outerworlds of the system, has recieved little energy from the sun. Life had to find a way though - and did. Life on the planet Glais primarily survives on what little geothermal activity happens, such as the lava flowing, as well as phtosynthesis from the sun. Sunlight was often further reduced by snowy weather. Due to these factors, life here evolved to be hardy and remain alive with little energy. It did manage to grow and take over the planet by tapping into all potential sources of energy on the planet, such as radioactive material deposits and falling spaceborne lifeforms.   Some Harkas have, like all other planets in the system, adapted for life on Glais. Their radiators have turned into a blanket - designed to preserve heat rather than emit it, but in many subspecies this can also be used as a wing. The civilization that developed here focused on 'technological' growth and have managed to become more advanced than most of the other outerworlds. After suffering several invasions from both the Iragas Belt and the midworlds, they constructed a biological space elevator. This has given them incredibly easy acess to space with little energy and allowed them to fight back against the powerful Midworldian factions.
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