Kulallara Belt

Large asteroid belt in the Beta Targos System. The Kulallara Belt, oweing to its short radius from the star, was very hot.   Despite this, life still found a way to expand to and even beyond this asteroid belt, and it became very densely populated with all kinds of spacefaring life. This included a large number of Harkas Innerworldians . The Kulallara Belt was uniquely powerful for its immense ability to produce a vast amount of energy to the lifeforms that lived within it due to its proximity from the star. Despite havling a lower population than the midworlds, the innerworlds in general would have a higher population density.   This would make the asteroid belt quite valuable, so some other factions attempted invasions. It was far too hot for midworldians to invade alone, so they upgraded their bioships and invented a new engineered lifeform that would grow around a Harkas Midworldian and protect them from the extreme heat and extend their radiator. Due to these new advancements, it has been made possible - if still difficult - to invade the innerworlds. The innerworldians held back these invasions well, but eventually some parts of the innerworlds began to fall to the midworldian invasions. One of the midworldian nations to suceed in one of these attacks was Sabaria, who used this new energy source to sustain a larger military and spearhead 'technological' growth. This proved costly to set up though - as the innerworldians that were conquered often had uprisings.   The Kulallara belt, like the rest of the star system, also unified into the Unified Arkan Council UAC after they made contact with the Hyperion Federation.
Asteroid belt
Location under
Owning Organization


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