Iragas Belt

A large asteroid belt of the Beta Targos System  The Iragas Belt is primarily comprised of ice due to its very cold temperature, but it sustains a lot of life. Most of it drinks water from the ice, but due to the lack of energy it is difficult for life to grow in it. The Irgas belt recieves a lot of energy from midworldian lifeforms migrating, but mainly depends on photosynthesis. Some lifeforms are also radiotropic and harvest radiation from either radioactive deposits of material or the background radiation of space itself. The latter of these forms a major part of the UAC equivalent of zero-point energy.   Though much larger physically than the Zar Belt, it would have a lower population. Some asteroids appeared more desnsely grown than others, and some seemed to be without life at all. However, there was stil enough biomass here to sustain large predators and Harkas bioships. The latter of these would become far more common as new types of energy generation were developed. These mostly came in the form of new engineered organisms with much more efficient photosyntheis processes or radiation gathering.   With the rapidly advancing 'technology' of the planet Glais, the Iragas belt attempted a number of attacks on them to prevent them from advancing further. This war has only resulted in a stalemate though, as their surface-orbit weapons were simply too powerful but the Glaisans had no way of travelling to space.
Asteroid belt
Location under
Owning Organization


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