Yaraur Launch Facility

A large, entirely biological launch facility constructed / grown and used by the Unified Arkan Council UAC, on the planet Panagia.   After the various Panagian subspecies of Harkas (re)-discovered the massive spaceborne ecosystem, they made it their mission to find out more about them. Their existance has only been made clear after the Panagians have invented their equivalent of telescopes, allowing them to view the many spaceborne objects much closer. Perhaps their largest discovery of the time, though, was a specific species that resembled many Panagian harkas extremely closely. Many passed this up as mere coincidence, but most thought there had to be a cause of some sort. To find out, they would need to know more about them.   At this time, however, they were not advanced enough to reach space. As such, they would remain an enigma for many decades until they constructed the Yaraur Launch Facility, named after the city it was constructed near. This launched the first organisms that would be able to reach space, from the surface of Panagia, and hopefully establish first contact with the Harkas Midworldians above them. However, it was eaten by predators before actually making contact, but at least the scientists on the world found out a lot about the massive spaceborne predators, and much useful data regarding spaceborne organisms was relayed to the scientists on the surface. The 2nd attempt made it to orbit and avoided the predators, and first contact was made. They found out that they did indeed share many similar traits with each other, and also that there were very similar species on every other planet in the star system. This information rocked the Panagians to their core.   The launch facility would recieve upgrades so more and larger spaceborne orgsnisms would be launched. They eventually managed to launch some crewed flights (with much risk to the crew!), and multiple other launch facilites would be constructed, but that near Yaraur would be the largest and first. The Panagians thus became a part of the UAC, and joined with the many other harkas subspecies, who all cooperate in the name of science and progress, and all advance under a single banner. The Panagians would play a significant role in this, namely in the discovery of the Taidakic Field as well as methods of creating taidakons, antitaidakons and kaidatons. The other hyperionoies also knew of the Tadakic force but they still helped immensely as it would have taken many years to find all he applications for it.   In more current times, the launch facility is still used and kept alive, even if only for leisure reasons. Now a biological form of teleporter, inspired by the mechanical Teleporters of the rest of the HF, are most commonly used to travel between the surface and space. Though it is now smaller as much of it has been recycled, its future as a cultural center has been secured.
Missile launch facility
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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