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Elswara Wellheart

Elswara Wellheart, sometimes known as Elswara the White or the White Lady, is a Summerling former Cleric who has served both Shandalene and Tharizdun. She is the daughter of the aging Lord Yurel Wellheart, but she doubts she will inherit anything, possessing 14 older siblings. Through her aunt, Ivala Havengard, she is related to the Havengard family of Barwych and often found herself closer to them than to her own immediate family. She appeared to be bold, devout, and keen to try herself against the evils of the world. She was close to her younger cousin, Kidalis Havengard when he was a child.   Like the rest of her companions in the Sword Watch, Elswara went missing in the late spring of 1071 SKR. She and someone purporting to be her companion Sir Tarkoth Broadblade were later encountered in Lastlight by the Fire Wasps. She claimed to be investigating the same cult of Imix that the Fire Wasps had just smashed, but her actions and Tarkoth's changed undead nature (he claimed to be a Reborn) caused a great deal of suspicion. She was later seen in the company of Kaldakos Greysails, Tarkoth, Ullyn Thonwyr, and Serresque. This group attacked, killed, and disintegrated King Hadyn Thonwyr and Queen Eleanor Thonwyr  before Kaldakos opened a planar portal to the Elemental Chaos, taking an unwilling Ullyn prisoner and passing through it.   When the Fire Wasps confronted Kaldakos at the Temple of Elemental Evil, she was there. She tried to explain that the figure she seemed to be aiding, the Elder Elemental Eye, was in fact a being often referred to as the Nameless. She had been convinced by Kaldakos that the Nameless was a being he called the Patient One, the deity that Asmodeus slew to ascend to godhood. She could not be swayed otherwise until Kaldakos finally invoked the Nameless by its true name – Tharizdun – and revealed that the ritual they had enacted was all to release the Tarrasque from imprisonment beneath Gwyllan's Watch. Each life the Tarrasque ended would become part of a sacrifice to Tharizdun, bringing the Chained God closer to freedom. Elswara finally understood how deeply she had been deceived, and she helped the Fire Wasps rescue Those Who Answer from the Elemental Chaos before surrendering herself to their custody.   In confession to Brother Natharios, she explained that the Sword Watch had been captured by a cult of Yan-C-Bin. One by one, they were led away and killed, but Kaldakos came to her and brainwashed her into believing that the Nameless was the Mourned God. He enlisted her aid, making her believe everything they were doing was for the good. Finally, when she saw the Tarrasque rise, she understood how fully she had fallen. She now seeks, if not forgiveness, at least some form of redemption.


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