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4. Cultists on the Road - Hommlet

As the influence of the Temple of Elemental Evil spreads, the roads around Hommlet become increasingly dangerous. The PCs encounter a family under attack by cultists and a hobgoblin, providing a chance to defend the innocent and uncover the growing threat in the region.
  • Location: The road between Hommlet and Verbobonc, a few miles outside the village. The scene occurs around a bend, partially obscured by thick trees and shrubs, adding an element of surprise.

Encounter Details

The Scene: As the PCs travel along the road, they hear shouts and screams from around a bend. Rushing forward, they find two ochre-robed priests of the Temple of Elemental Evil, a hobgoblin, and a family under attack. An older man lies on the ground, wounded and barely conscious, while a younger man tries desperately to fend off the attackers with a club. Two women are being grappled by one of the cultists, screaming for help.
The Attacker
  • Cultists (2): Fanatical followers of the Temple of Elemental Evil, wearing ochre robes and wielding maces. They are cruel and zealous, but not particularly brave, and will flee if the tide of battle turns against them.
  • Hobgoblin (1): A brutish enforcer working with the cultists. He is stronger and more dangerous than the cultists, but if killed, the cultists will lose their nerve and attempt to flee.
The Victims
  • Ebor (Commoner): The older man, a laborer, lies on the ground, wounded and at 0 hit points, but stable. He is conscious but too weak to fight.
  • Shana (Commoner): Ebor's wife, who is being held by one of the cultists. She is terrified and unable to break free on her own.
  • Lona (Commoner): Ebor and Shana's daughter, who is also being held by a cultist. Like her mother, she is terrified but unharmed.
  • Derrig (Commoner): Lona's husband, who is trying to defend his family with a club. He is desperate but determined, and will help the PCs if they come to his aid.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Rescue the Family: The PCs must defeat or drive off the cultists and hobgoblin to save the family. If they succeed, they will earn the family's gratitude and the respect of the villagers when word of their deed spreads.
  • Potential Rewards:
  • Experience Points: 190 XP total for defeating the cultists and hobgoblin.
  • Reputation: The family will be forever grateful to the PCs and will speak well of them in Hommlet. This can lead to future goodwill and possible favors from the villagers.


The family can later be encountered at the workers camp at 32. Tent Town or at the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site, where they will be working. They will remain friendly and may offer information or small favors to the PCs in the future.
  • The encounter serves as an introduction to the growing influence of the Temple of Elemental Evil, foreshadowing more dangerous encounters as the PCs delve deeper into the campaign.
  • Rumors: After the encounter, the family will spread rumors about their saviors and the growing dangers on the road. This could lead to further quests or alert the villagers to the rising threat.

Monetary Rewards

  • Coin Pouch: The family has little to offer, but Derrig, the younger man, offers a small leather pouch containing 15 silver pieces and 10 copper pieces as a token of gratitude.
  • Additional Coin: If the PCs insist they need no reward, Derrig will be so moved by their kindness that he later gathers what little money he can and discreetly delivers an additional 5 gold pieces to the PCs at 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench.
Non-Monetary Rewards
  • Healing Herbs: Shana offers the PCs a bundle of herbs that she uses to treat her husband's wounds. These herbs can act as a basic healing kit with 3 uses, or as a component for a healing potion if the party has a skilled herbalist.
  • Tool Belt: Ebor, being a laborer, offers the PCs his well-crafted tool belt, which can provide a +1 bonus on crafting or repair checks related to construction, carpentry, or similar tasks.
  • Local Connections: The family’s story spreads through Hommlet, increasing the PCs' reputation. This could translate into discounts at local shops, free lodging at the Inn, or even a favor from a local craftsman, such as a free or discounted weapon, piece of armor, or tool.
Magic Items (Optional)
  • Amulet of Protection: If the DM wants to offer something more substantial, the family may have an old heirloom, a simple Amulet of Protection (+1 to AC) that they give to the PCs as a sign of their eternal gratitude.
  • Potion of Healing: The family may offer a Potion of Healing that they had kept hidden for emergencies, but now feel the PCs deserve it more.
Roleplay Rewards
  • Gratitude and Friendship: The family, now residents of Hommlet, will speak highly of the PCs to everyone they meet. This could lead to increased trust from other villagers, more quest opportunities, or even hints and tips about local dangers and secrets.
  • Ongoing Support: The family might offer to assist the PCs with small tasks in the future, such as providing safe storage for goods, information on local happenings, or even joining in a minor role if the PCs later need help during a larger conflict in Hommlet.
Cultist ambush by 3orcs
Notable characters
  • Commoners (4): 40xp
  • Cultists (2): 50xp
  • Hobgoblin: 20xp
Related Locations
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
"These roads used to be safe... now it feels like we're living in a nightmare."
"The Viscount should send more patrols! We can't handle this on our own."
"If something isn't done soon, there won't be any trade left—just death and fear."
"It's not just bandits anymore, it's something darker... something evil."
"We came to Hommlet for a new life, but now I'm wondering if we made a terrible mistake."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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