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9. Forbidden Romance

In the village of Hommlet, a secret love affair unfolds between Pinder, the apprentice carpenter from the Bilby family, and Jira, a young woman from Yakub's Pipeweed Farm. The PCs are approached by a concerned local who has noticed mysterious cloaked figures meeting behind the brewery at night. Upon investigation, the party discovers that the two young lovers are sneaking around due to the religious and social divide between their families. The PCs must decide whether to help the couple overcome their obstacles or convince them to keep their romance hidden to avoid causing a village scandal.

The Request

The Concerned Local
One of the Braumeister's apprentices Tuperello at 18: Tamen Brewery, who has heard of the PCs' heroics, approaches them with a request. The apprentice has noticed a couple of cloaked figures meeting behind the brewery around midnight and urges the PCs to investigate, fearing that something sinister might be afoot.
The Investigation
The PCs decide to stake out the brewery one night, sneaking through the shadows to get a closer look at the mysterious figures. What they find is not a conspiracy, but a secret tryst between Pinder, the apprentice carpenter at 28. Bilby carpenter, and Jira, the daughter of Yakub from 5. Yakub's Pipeweed Farm. The young lovers have been meeting in secret due to the disapproval of their families, particularly Jira's father, who follows the Old Faith and looks down on Pinder as an outsider and worshiper of St. Cuthbert.

The Dilemma

Religious Divide
Pinder worships St. Cuthbert, while Jira follows The Old Faith, a significant source of tension between their families. Jira's father, Yakub, would not approve of her relationship with an outsider, especially one who follows a different faith.
The Request
If the PCs have earned a good reputation in Hommlet, Pinder and Jira may ask for their help. They seek the PCs' assistance in either convincing Jira's father to bless their union or helping them find a way to be together without causing a village scandal.

The Outcome

Resolution Options
  • Securing a Blessing: The PCs could try to convince Yakub to bless Pinder and Jira's union, emphasizing the importance of love over religious differences.
  • A Secret Affair: Alternatively, the PCs might advise the couple to continue their secret meetings but take extra precautions to avoid raising suspicion.
  • Conversion: Another option could be helping Pinder convert to the Old Faith, thereby easing the tension between the families.
Experience Reward
  • 100 XP if the PCs successfully help the couple gain the blessing of Jira's father.
  • 200 XP if the PCs convince the couple to keep their romance hidden without causing trouble.
  • 400 XP if the PCs manage to convince Pinder to convert to the Old Faith, leading to a peaceful resolution.
Pinder and Jira Loves in Moonlight by 3orcs
"Love knows no bounds, not even those of faith."

The Lovers

Pinder - The Carpenter's Brother
Role: Apprentice Carpenter (Guard)
  • Age: 20
  • Location: 28. Bilby carpenter 
  • Appearance: Pinder is slightly taller and leaner than his brother Bilby. He has a youthful, eager expression, and his lighter hair often has a smudge of sawdust, showing his dedication to learning the trade.
  • Personality: Eager to prove himself, Pinder is loyal to his brother and looks up to him as a role model. Though inexperienced, his enthusiasm is infectious, and he is determined to improve his carpentry skills.
Jira - The Farmer's Daughter
Role: Commoner
  • Age: 18
  • Location: 5. Yakub's Pipeweed Farm 
  • Appearance: Jira is young and full of life, with a natural beauty that shines even through her simple attire. She helps with household chores and looks after her younger siblings.
  • Personality: Jira is kind-hearted but fiercely independent. Despite her family's struggles, she remains hopeful and dreams of a life beyond the farm.
Tuperello Age: 17
Role: Apprentice brewer
  • Appearance: Tuperello is a tall, enthusiastic young man, quick to learn and eager to prove himself.
  • Personality: Ambitious and diligent, Tuperello is dedicated to mastering the art of brewing.
  • Location: 18: Tamen Brewery 
  • Religion: Follower of the Old Faith
"The Old Faith and St. Cuthbert may differ, but love remains constant."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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