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Journey to Hommlet from Narwell

"Journey to Hommlet" is a local side quest that serves as a prelude to the infamous "Village of Hommlet" adventure, providing players with a challenging mission to root out bandits in the Gnarley Forest. Hired by the leading merchants of Narwell, the party is tasked with accompanying a small caravan through the treacherous forest, with the ultimate goal of disrupting the organized brigands threatening commerce in the region. This quest not only tests the players' combat and strategic abilities but also serves as an introduction to the greater dangers lurking near the Village of Hommlet.

Adventure Overview

The "Journey to Hommlet" is an introductory to novice-level side quest crafted by the talented Joseph Bloch, a revered figure in the Greyhawk community. This adventure, which debuted at ShireCon 2021, is the perfect lead-in to the classic T1 module "Village of Hommlet."   In this scenario, bandits and brigands have once again begun to menace the trade routes through the Gnarley Forest, threatening commerce to and from the Wild Coast. As hired protectors, your mission is to escort a small merchant caravan through the treacherous woods, rooting out the bandits who have grown dangerously organized. With detailed maps and richly described encounters, this quest not only tests your strategic prowess but also sets the stage for the deeper dangers that await in Hommlet and beyond.   For those interested in exploring more of Joseph Bloch's incredible work, or to download the "Journey to Hommlet" module for free, visit his website: Greyhawk Grognard. Joseph is a true treasure to the Greyhawk community, offering in-depth analyses, original content, and a wealth of knowledge that continues to expand the legacy of the World of Greyhawk.

The Gnarley Forest

The Gnarley Forest is a vast and ancient woodland, known for its dense foliage, winding paths, and hidden dangers. The forest is home to a variety of creatures, both mundane and magical, and has long been a haven for outlaws and bandits. The increase in brigandry within the forest has made travel and trade routes perilous, prompting the merchants of Narwell to take action.
  • Geography: The Gnarley Forest is characterized by its thick underbrush, towering trees, and labyrinthine paths. The forest is teeming with wildlife, and its natural beauty is marred only by the growing threat of banditry.
  • Lore: The Gnarley Forest has a long history as a place of refuge for those fleeing the law. Over the years, it has also become known for the presence of fey creatures and other mysterious beings, making it a place of both wonder and danger.

Narwell and the Wild Coast

Narwell, located on The Wild Coast, is a bustling town known for its trade and commerce. The merchants of Narwell have grown increasingly concerned about the rise in bandit attacks, which have disrupted trade routes and threatened their livelihoods.
  • Narwell Merchants: The leading merchants of Narwell are powerful figures who control much of the trade in the region. They are willing to pay handsomely for the removal of the bandit threat, offering 500 gold pieces for the successful completion of the mission.
  • The Wild Coast: A region known for its independence and frequent conflicts, the Wild Coast is a land of opportunity and danger. The rise in brigandry in the Gnarley Forest has only added to the region’s instability.

Players' Introduction

Mission Briefing
As you prepare for the journey ahead, the merchants of Narwell lay out the mission in clear terms. Brigands have been plaguing the Gnarley Forest, showing an unusual level of organization that has even stymied the efforts of the The Gnarley Rangers. Your mission is to accompany a small caravan through the forest, protect it from attack, and gather intelligence on the brigands.
  • Objective: The primary goal is to safely escort the caravan to the village of Hommlet on the far side of the forest. Along the way, you are to investigate the rise in banditry and, if possible, strike a blow against the bandits.
  • Reward: The merchants offer 500 gold pieces for the successful completion of the mission, along with whatever loot you can recover from the brigands. You will also be provided with horses and supplies, though you must rely on your own arms and armor.
  • Caravan Details: The caravan consists of several wagons carrying valuable goods—cloth from Almor and wine from Onnwal. It is crucial that these goods reach their destination, as they are part of a larger trade convoy that will continue its journey from Hommlet.

Beginning the Journey

The caravan is set to depart in two days, giving you time to make any necessary preparations. As you ride into the Gnarley Forest, the tension is palpable. The forest is dense and shadowed, with the ever-present threat of ambush looming over the journey.
  • Forest Encounters: The Gnarley Forest is filled with potential encounters, from wild animals to mysterious travelers. Each encounter could provide clues about the bandits or lead to unexpected dangers.
  • Bandit Hideouts: Rumors suggest that the bandits have several hideouts within the forest, well-hidden and heavily defended. Finding and attacking these hideouts could weaken the brigand forces and secure the safety of the caravan.

Quest Details

Tracking the Brigands
The forest is vast, and the bandits are elusive. Your first task is to gather intelligence about their movements and discover their hideouts. This may involve questioning local hunters, tracking footprints, or following the remains of previous attacks.
  • Interrogation: Capturing and questioning a bandit could reveal valuable information about their leader, numbers, and tactics.
  • Ambush Sites: Investigating recent ambush sites may yield clues about the bandits’ strategies and help you anticipate their next move.

The Bandit Attack

The bandits will not remain hidden for long. As the caravan makes its way through a particularly narrow stretch of the forest, the bandits strike. The attack is swift and well-coordinated, with the bandits using the terrain to their advantage.
  • Battle Tactics: The bandits use hit-and-run tactics, striking quickly before retreating into the forest. They may use traps, such as pits or falling logs, to disrupt the caravan's progress.
  • Leadership: The bandits are led by a cunning commander, whose defeat could demoralize the rest of the brigands and lead to a swift end to the battle.
Reaching Hommlet
If the party successfully defends the caravan and drives off the bandits, they will arrive in Village of Hommlet. Here, they are to report to Burne, the Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet, located at 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site who will reward them for their efforts and provide further guidance.
  • Burne’s Welcome: Lord Burne, a powerful mage and protector of Hommlet, is grateful for the party’s assistance. He provides a detailed debriefing, seeking any intelligence the party has gathered about the bandits.
  • Further Missions: Depending on the outcome of the battle and the information gathered, Burne may offer the party additional tasks related to the growing threat of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
T0 Journey to Hommlet by Joseph Bloch
Download the wonderful introduction adventure module from Greyhawk Grognard here:
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Bandit Ambush on Merchant Caravan by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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