H10 Grissom’s Animal Training Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H10 Grissom’s Animal Training

Grissom's Animal Training stands as a testament to the diverse needs of Verbobonc's community, offering essential services that benefit both the city's residents and its defenders.


Grissom’s Animal Training is located just south of Verbobonc, off of the Low Road. It's a sprawling farmstead/ranch known for its exceptional animal training services.
  • Facilities: The property features a modest, somewhat unkempt cabin where Grissom lives. However, the focus is on the extensive outdoor facilities designed for animal training, including fenced lots, cages, and various training obstacles like ladders and courses.

Notable Person

Grissom, a Druid of Obad-Hai, is a half-elf renowned for his unparalleled skill in animal training. Despite his disheveled appearance and the animal-like scent that clings to him, his ability to communicate with and train animals is unmatched. Grissom is supported by staff who assist in caring for the animals during their stay.

Services Offered

Grissom specializes in a broad range of animal training services, from simple tricks for pets to complex training for creatures like domestic griffons. His methods are so effective that training time is halved compared to standard practices.
  • Pricing: The cost of training is remarkably affordable, with rates based on the size of the animal: 1 cp/day for small, 1 sp/day for medium, and 1 gp/day for large animals. Flying animals incur double fees. These rates cover all expenses, including food and boarding.
  • Additional Notes: Grissom's farmstead is occasionally visited by the city's militia members who seek to earn extra money by acting as "attack dummies" for the animals' training sessions. This unique service provides valuable experience for both the animals and the militia.
by 3orcs
Grissom 5th level Druid Obad-Hai  
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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