H7 Ruined Aqueduct Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H7 Ruined Aqueduct

This location, with its unfinished structures and the stories they evoke, adds a layer of depth to the history and the dynamic political and social fabric of Verbobonc, illustrating the challenges that come with growth and the importance of safeguarding the city's vital resources.

Ruined Aqueduct

Location: Just outside the southern walls of the Ryemend district, on the north side of the Velverdyva River, surrounded by the stone-walled district of Ryemend and adjacent farmlands.   Original Plans: There was an initiative to extend the city's aqueduct system to the farmlands beyond Verbobonc's outer walls, aiming to provide better water access for agricultural purposes.   Debate and Concerns: The city council faced a heated debate over the expansion. Concerns were raised about the potential vulnerabilities the aqueduct could introduce, such as:
  • Poisoning Risks: Fears that enemies could poison the city's water supply.
  • Security Threats: Worries that attackers, especially those capable of wild shape into amphibious creatures, could use the aqueduct as a way to infiltrate the city.
Construction and Sabotage: The project was initiated but faced immediate setbacks. External forces, the details of which remain ambiguous, sabotaged the construction, leading to its abandonment. Despite rumors, there's no substantiated evidence linking Juelihm the Conjurer to the sabotage, although the proposed route of the aqueduct was notably close to his tower.   Current State: The remnants of the unfinished aqueduct stand as a testament to the project's failure. The ruins have become a point of local lore and speculation, with the true reasons for the sabotage and the identities of the saboteurs still shrouded in mystery.   Political and Social Implications: The aqueduct's ruins serve as a reminder of the complexities involved in expanding city infrastructure and the need for comprehensive security assessments in urban planning. The heated debates and the eventual sabotage highlight the tensions and competing interests within Verbobonc's political landscape.
by 3orcs
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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