H8 Ruins - Elemental School of Magic Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H8 Ruins - Elemental School of Magic


The Ruins of the Elemental School of Magic are situated outside the city walls of Verbobonc, nestled between the Low Merchant Road and the Velverdyva River. The site is accessed via the Low Road, starting from the South Gate of the city.
  • Description: The location comprises a walled compound that once housed several buildings dedicated to the study and practice of elemental magic. Now, it stands in ruins, a testament to the devastation wrought during the Elemental War.

Historical Context

The Elemental School of Magic was a prominent institution dedicated to the advanced study of elemental forces. Its destruction during the Elemental War left a void in the magical community of Verbobonc. The war itself has left a lasting stigma on the city and particularly on this site, hindering any efforts to rebuild the school.

Current State

The ruins are characterized by crumbling walls, overgrown with vegetation, and remnants of the once-thriving buildings. The area is mostly avoided due to its history and the potential dangers lurking among the debris.

Controversy and Debate

A minority of priests and mages within Verbobonc have voiced their discontent with the school's continued neglect. They argue for the necessity of a specialized institution for elemental magic, believing it essential for the advancement of magical studies and the defense of the Viscounty.

Rebuilding Efforts

Despite the calls for its reconstruction, the Ruins of the Elemental School of Magic remain untouched. Political and societal resistance, coupled with the deep-seated stigma associated with the Elemental War, has prevented any meaningful progress towards this end.


The ruins serve as a poignant reminder of the Elemental War's impact on Verbobonc and its magical community. They symbolize the loss of knowledge and potential that the war caused, as well as the ongoing struggle within the city to come to terms with its past.
by 3orcs
Alternative Names
University / Educational complex
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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