H13 The Silver Lyre Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H13 The Silver Lyre Inn

A Haven for Travelers and Adventurers

The Silver Lyre Inn stands as a welcoming beacon to travelers seeking refuge from the bustling streets of Verbobonc City. Located just outside the North (River) Gate, this quaint inn offers a rustic charm and a slice of tranquility amidst the verdant expanses of the surrounding lands. It's a place where the melodies of a magical lyre fill the air, promising warmth, comfort, and a touch of mystery to all who enter.


Location: Situated by the North Gate, the inn is perfectly positioned for those coming from the Gnarley Forest or traveling the ‘Low Road’ towards Dyvers and Greyhawk City. Ambiance: With its old-world charm, the inn features small, clean, and well-maintained rooms that showcase the care and dedication of its owners.

Notable Features

  • Magical Lyre: The inn owes its name to a unique attraction—a lyre that floats above the ground, enchanting the space with its ethereal tunes, thanks to a Ghost Sound spell left by a grateful wizard.

Proprietor: Cascius

  • Cascius, the innkeeper, is known for his warm hospitality and an uncanny ability to recognize returning customers, making each guest feel uniquely welcomed.
  • Beyond serving drinks and food, Cascius is a wellspring of knowledge about local happenings, offering invaluable insights to his patrons.


The inn attracts a diverse clientele, from merchants and caravan guards to rangers, druids, and those who find themselves unwelcome within the city walls.
  • A lifetime ban from the inn is the cost of brawling, ensuring a peaceful atmosphere for all guests.

Common Room and Services

  • Common Room: The heart of the inn, where guests can enjoy the warmth of the hearth, the inn's bustling atmosphere, and the chance to overhear tales and rumors from across the Flanaess.
  • Service: The inn boasts an impressive breakfast buffet and fresh, farm-to-table meals, courtesy of Cascius' farming ventures.

Accommodations and Cost

  • Rooms: Twelve private chambers and one communal sleeping area are available, accommodating the needs of various travelers.
  • Pricing: With average prices for both lodging and meals, the inn offers affordability without compromising on quality or comfort.

The Silver Lyre Inn's Role in the Community

As a hub for news and information, the inn serves as a vital resource for anyone looking to understand the dynamics of Verbobonc and beyond. The inn's balcony, overlooking the common room, provides a quieter space for more private discussions or simply to escape the lively chatter below.


The Silver Lyre Inn remains a favored stop for those traversing the region around Verbobonc City. Its blend of magical charm, communal warmth, and strategic location makes it more than just a place to rest—it's a destination where stories begin and adventures are born. Whether you're a lone wanderer, a member of a merchant caravan, or simply in need of a peaceful night's stay, the Silver Lyre Inn promises a welcoming hearth and a memorable stay.

Room in an Inn

Heavy oaken doors line the hallway, each emblazoned with a tarnished copper letter. Portraits hang between the doors, faded with age, depicting past owners of the inn or famous patrons. The door creaks open with a twist of the key, and inside you find spartan but comfortable accommodations: a feather bed with a creaky wooden frame, a small bedside table with a pair of beeswax candles, a small footlocker with a heavy iron padlock, and a wooden washing basin, above which hangs an oblong mirror. The room smells pleasantly of old wood and dried lavender.
The Silverlyre Inn by 3orcs
Cascius is a benevolent owner  
Parent Location

Meal and Room Cost

Prices are average. The small inn crams 12 private chambers and 1 common room for rent. The innkeeper is also a farmer/rancher, so fresh food (eggs, sausage, vegetables from the garden, etc) is always available at average prices.

Common meals

Common Meals

The food and drink available at taverns is as varied as the establishments themselves. These two pages presents lists of suitable food and drink divided by the quality of the establishment.
The table immediately below also presents the average cost of food and drink for sale in taverns.

Ale (gallon)2 sp
Ale (mug)4 cp
Wine (common; pitcher)2 sp
Wine (fine; bottle)10 gp

Poor1 sp
Common3 sp
Good2 gp

1Omelette with toasted nuts
2Ham with mixed greens
3Fish and bacon stew
4Rabbit in mushroom sauce
5Fried rabbit with nut cakes
6Poached fish with kale
7Cheap sausage with fried onion and apple chunks
8Black pudding and beans
9Corned beef with carrots
10Ham and vegetable stew
11Cheese and ham omelette
12Cheese and leek bake
13Rabbit pie with beets
14Black pudding with turnip and mushrooms
15Cheap sausage with cheese and chickpeas
16Cauliflower cheese with parsnip and kale
17Leek and chestnut stew
18Vine leaves stuffed with chickpeas and millet
19Chicken with buttered parsnip
20Fishcakes with cracked corn and red cabbage

3Watered white wine
6Cherry barley water
7Plum barley water
8Watered red wine
10Watered mead
11Pear barley water
12Elderflower cordial
13Blackberry cordial
14Elderberry cordial
15Sloe wine
16Sloe gin
17Rosehip cordial
18Gooseberry cordial
19Plum cider
20Blackcurrant cordial

1Chicken in plum sauce with rice
2Honey‐fried fish
3Sheep's head stew with barley and beans
4Star‐gazy pie
5Chicken and leek pie
6Mushroom flan
7Oxtail soup with cheese bread and onions
8Pork liver with onions and potatoes
9Bacon, eggs and fried Potatoes
10Parsnip soup with cheap sausage and bread
11Yoghurt soup with meatballs
12Trout stuffed with oats and mushrooms
13Lentil pancakes with cabbage and leeks
14Shellfish chowder
15Fishballs with mixed greens
16Lamb heart stew
17Brawn with spinach, turnips and carrots
18Oxtongue with onion bread and hazelnuts
19Fish cooked in ale with mashed swede and potato
20Vine leaves stuffed with garlic cheese, served with millet balls

Cover image: by 3orcs


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