H17 The Verbobonc Knights' Arena Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H17 The Verbobonc Knights' Arena

The Grand Arena of Valor The Verbobonc Knights' Arena, situated just outside the city walls, stands as a monumental testament to the martial prowess and chivalrous spirit of the region. Known officially as The Grand Arena of Valor, it serves not only as a battleground where knights and nobles from across the Flanaess come to test their mettle but also as a vibrant center of cultural exchange and political intrigue.

History and Purpose

  • Founding: Established shortly after the decisive Battle of Emridy Meadows, the arena was conceived as a place where the valor and tactics that turned the tide of the battle could be honed and celebrated.
  • Divine Endorsement: Supported by the major churches of Verbobonc, including those of Heironeous, St. Cuthbert, Trithereon, Pelor, and even Zilchus, the arena serves multiple purposes, from training grounds to a venue for resolving disputes with honor.
  • The Tournaments: Regular tournaments and contests of skill are held, drawing participants and spectators from across the Flanaess. These events range from jousts to melee battles, each designed to test different aspects of martial and divine prowess.
  • Expansion: Over the years, it has grown from a simple jousting list to a comprehensive complex capable of hosting a variety of martial contests.
  • Notable Events: The Grand Tournament of 575 CY, which saw participation from all major kingdoms of the Flanaess, cemented its reputation.

Church Organizations and Their Roles

  • Organization The Church of St Cuthbert: With Bishop Haufren at its helm, this church emphasizes upholding law and order. Its clergy, especially the Billets, often serve as judges in tournaments, ensuring fairness and adherence to the rules.
  • Organization The Holy Order of Heironeous: This order's involvement underscores the tournaments' emphasis on chivalry and justice. High-ranking members often participate, showcasing their divine missions through martial skill.
  • Organization Church of Pelor: Focuses on the benevolent aspects of combat, promoting healing and protection within the arena's confines .
  • Organization The Church of Trithereon: Advocates for individual freedom and justice, its followers view the arena as a platform to challenge tyranny and oppression.

Politics and Influence

The Game Beyond the Game
  • Noble Patronage: Many noble houses of Verbobonc sponsor knights and warriors in the arena, using their achievements as a measure of their family's honor and valor.
  • Alliances Formed: The arena serves as a neutral ground where lords from Furyondy, Veluna, Dyvers, Ulek, and Greyhawk negotiate alliances and settle disputes through proxy battles.
  • The Visiting Nobility: A parade of visiting dignitaries brings with it a complex web of diplomacy, where jousts and melee battles can have far-reaching political consequences.
  • Divine Favor: Success in the arena is often seen as a sign of a deity's favor, influencing the political and social standing of the participating churches within Verbobonc.
  • Inter-Church Rivalries: While the arena promotes unity and common purpose among the city's churches, it also becomes a ground for friendly rivalry, with each organization vying to showcase the supremacy of its teachings and champions.

Knightly Virtues and Divine Quests

  • Tests of Valor: Participants often undertake quests bestowed by their respective deities or churches as part of their preparation for the tournaments, ranging from retrieving holy relics to combating manifestations of evil.
  • Teachings and Legacy: The valor displayed in the arena serves as a living lesson for the city's youth, inspiring the next generation of knights, paladins, and clerics to uphold the virtues of their faiths.
Grand Arena of Valor by 3orcs

The Arena Grounds

A Layout of Valor
In the sprawling landscape outside Verbobonc, the Grounds of Valor stand as a testament to the city's deep-rooted chivalric traditions and its churches' commitment to martial excellence. Here, under the watchful eyes of the divine, knights and paladins converge to prove their mettle, their faith, and their allegiance to their gods and the ideals they embody.
  • The Arena Itself: A wood structure with seating for hundreds, the central arena is equipped with magically reinforced sand to ensure the safety of combatants. Thr jousting arena is about 300 feet in length to allow for full charges; thus, the Grand Arena, accommodating melee battles as well, spans approximately 600 feet in diameter for the central combat area.
  • Audience Stands: Rising in tiers, the stands offer unparalleled views of the battlefield below, with sections reserved for nobility adorned with luxurious amenities.
  • Listings Panel and Board: A meticulously maintained board displays upcoming matches, knights’ rankings, and honors, serving as the heart of the competition's administration.

The Noble Encampment

Tents of Valor
Surrounding the arena, the campground is a temporary home for participating nobles and knights. Here, tents range from modest to magnificent, each reflecting the status and heraldry of its occupant.
  • Knights' Preparation Area: Equipped with training dummies, armories, and squires, this zone allows for last-minute preparations and strategy discussions.
  • Coral for Horses: A spacious, well-maintained corral offers rest and care for the noble steeds that carry knights into battle.
  • The Noble Encampment (Tents of Valor): The encampment would spread out over several acres surrounding the arena to accommodate the numerous participants and their entourages. Each tent's size would vary according to the status and wealth of its occupant, ranging from modest 10x10 feet tents for lesser knights to grand pavilions of 30x30 feet or larger for high-ranking nobles.
  • Knights' Preparation Area: This dedicated zone would be centrally located within the encampment, covering an area of about 100x100 feet to ensure ample space for multiple knights to prepare simultaneously.
  • Corral for Horses: The corral would need to be extensive, possibly covering several acres, to provide adequate space for the horses to rest and move around. It would be divided into individual sections for each participating knight's steeds, with each section measuring at least 20x20 feet to ensure comfort for the animals.
Listings Panel and Board
Dimensions: The listings board, serving as the administrative heart of the tournaments, would likely be a large, prominent feature, approximately 10 feet wide and 6 feet tall, placed near the main entrance or another central location for easy access by participants and spectators alike.


A Testament to the Spirit of the Flanaess
The Verbobonc Knights' Arena remains a cornerstone of the region's culture, embodying the ideals of chivalry, honor, and valor that unite the various peoples of the Flanaess. As a place where steel meets steel under the watchful eyes of the realms' most powerful, it continues to write new chapters in the history of the continent, one tournament at a time.
Arena of Valor Joust by 3orcs
Arena of Valor, Verbobonc, City
Parent Location
Owning Organization
The Verbobonc Knights Arena, prominently situated just outside the city walls, serves as a grand stage for jousting events that are more than mere displays of martial prowess. They are a confluence of politics, ambition, and deep-seated rivalry among the noble houses of Verbobonc.
The Grand Arena of Valor
A Nexus of Nobility and Knighthood
  • Location and Significance: Nestled against the backdrop of Verbobonc's fertile farmlands, the arena stands as a testament to the city's valor and its nobility's honor.
  • The Jousting Events: A blend of spectacle and sport, these events draw crowds from all over, serving both entertainment and a deeply political purpose.
House Milinous 
The Champions of Tradition
  • Martial Prowess as Political Leverage: Led by the formidable Lord Milinous, this house uses the arena to underscore its military might and to rally support for its hardline stances.
  • Alliances and Rivalries: Often seeking alliances through displays of strength, their primary contention is with House Haxx, against whom they vie for military influence within the city.
House Haxx
The Calculated Competitors
  • Strategic Ambitions: Under Lord Haxx's guidance, the house participates in jousting not just for honor, but as a means to form and test alliances, keeping friends close and enemies closer.
  • Economic Motivations: With a keen eye on Verbobonc's commerce, House Haxx uses the events to negotiate trade deals, leveraging their performance for economic gain.
House Velysin
The Diplomats in the Field
  • Peace Through Strength: Advocates for peace and stability, House Velysin participates to demonstrate the unity and strength of Verbobonc, hoping to deter external threats through a show of internal solidarity.
  • The Church's Chosen: Close ties with the Church of St. Cuthbert guide their actions, aligning their jousting victories with divine favor and moral authority.
House Sarcina
The Social Strategists
  • Networks of Nobility: With a vast network of social ties, House Sarcina leverages the arena as a venue for hosting influential guests, using the spectacle to weave tighter bonds with other nobles and prominent citizens.
  • Champions of Change: Advocating for progress within Verbobonc, they support knights who represent change and innovation, hoping to inspire the city towards a brighter future.
House Verdanhart 
Unity Through Valor
  • The Viscount's Vision: Led by Viscount Wilfrick of House Verdanhart, this noble family sees the jousting events as a crucial means to forge and reinforce alliances across Verbobonc and with neighboring realms such as Furyondy, Veluna, and Dyvers.
  • Diplomacy by Lance: By demonstrating prowess and honor in the arena, House Verdanhart aims to project strength and unity, making a statement to both domestic and foreign observers about the stability and solidarity of Verbobonc under their leadership.
  • Festivals of Fellowship: The jousting tournaments, beyond their martial display, serve as grand festivals where nobles from various regions gather, offering opportunities for diplomatic discourse, the exchange of ideas, and the deepening of bonds among the elite.
  • Championing Peace and Prosperity: Viscount Wilfrick leverages these events not just for political gain but as platforms to advocate for peace, trade, and cultural exchange, envisioning a prosperous future for Verbobonc and its allies under the banner of unity and valor.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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