H12 The Latecomers Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H12 The Latecomers Inn

A Rustic Refuge on the High Road

Nestled just outside the East (High) Gate of Verbobonc, along the bustling High Road, lies a unique and rustic tavern known as The Latecomers Inn. At first glance, it may seem merely a well-kept barn, but behind its sandstone brick and wood board facade, it harbors a lively and warm atmosphere that welcomes all manner of travelers.

Exterior Charm

  • Structure: Comprised of sandstone bricks and wooden boards, presenting a rustic yet well-maintained appearance.
  • Windows: Shuttered windows that keep the interior mysteries alive, hinting at the vibrant life within.

Warm Welcomes Inside

  • Atmosphere: Upon entry, guests are greeted with laughter, music, and a general air of merriment.
  • Layout: The interior space is cleverly utilized, balancing communal areas with cozy, smaller spots for dining and socializing.
  • Fireplaces: Two large fire pits anchor the space, providing warmth and a communal focal point for guests.

Clientele and Services

  • Travelers' Haven: Primarily serving travelers, The Latecomers Inn has become a favored stop for those seeking rest and warmth outside the city's hustle.
  • Accommodation: With space for 20 to 30 guests, the inn offers a unique lodging experience where animals and people share the straw-covered dirt floor for a night's rest.
  • Dining: A hearty stew, courtesy of the owner, and fresh-baked bread from Mrs. Turnlpe satisfy hungry guests looking for a taste of home.

Ownership and Operations

  • Owner: Ned Turnlpe, a local farmer turned innkeeper, manages the inn with a blend of efficiency and hospitality.
  • Pricing Strategy: In response to the increased demand from nearby refugee populations, prices have been adjusted to maintain a balance between accessibility and exclusivity.

The Latecomers Inn Experience

  • Community: The inn fosters a sense of community among its guests, offering a lively environment for singing, dancing, and making new acquaintances.
  • Exclusivity: Despite its open-door policy, the inn maintains a level of exclusivity through its pricing, ensuring a comfortable experience for genuine travelers.
  • Location: Its strategic location outside the city walls makes it an accessible stop for those traveling late or seeking accommodation away from the city's confines.


The Latecomers Inn stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the local community. It offers a unique blend of rustic charm, warm hospitality, and a lively atmosphere that makes it a must-visit for travelers passing through Verbobonc. Whether seeking shelter, food, or simply a place to relax among fellow wanderers, The Latecomers Inn welcomes all with open arms and a warm hearth.
The Latecomers Inn by 3orcs
Ned Turnlpe owner
Parent Location

Common Meals

The food and drink available at taverns is as varied as the establishments themselves. These two pages presents lists of suitable food and drink divided by the quality of the establishment.
The table immediately below also presents the average cost of food and drink for sale in taverns.

Ale (gallon)2 sp
Ale (mug)4 cp
Wine (common; pitcher)2 sp
Wine (fine; bottle)10 gp

Poor1 sp
Common3 sp
Good2 gp

1Omelette with toasted nuts
2Ham with mixed greens
3Fish and bacon stew
4Rabbit in mushroom sauce
5Fried rabbit with nut cakes
6Poached fish with kale
7Cheap sausage with fried onion and apple chunks
8Black pudding and beans
9Corned beef with carrots
10Ham and vegetable stew
11Cheese and ham omelette
12Cheese and leek bake
13Rabbit pie with beets
14Black pudding with turnip and mushrooms
15Cheap sausage with cheese and chickpeas
16Cauliflower cheese with parsnip and kale
17Leek and chestnut stew
18Vine leaves stuffed with chickpeas and millet
19Chicken with buttered parsnip
20Fishcakes with cracked corn and red cabbage

3Watered white wine
6Cherry barley water
7Plum barley water
8Watered red wine
10Watered mead
11Pear barley water
12Elderflower cordial
13Blackberry cordial
14Elderberry cordial
15Sloe wine
16Sloe gin
17Rosehip cordial
18Gooseberry cordial
19Plum cider
20Blackcurrant cordial

1Chicken in plum sauce with rice
2Honey‐fried fish
3Sheep's head stew with barley and beans
4Star‐gazy pie
5Chicken and leek pie
6Mushroom flan
7Oxtail soup with cheese bread and onions
8Pork liver with onions and potatoes
9Bacon, eggs and fried Potatoes
10Parsnip soup with cheap sausage and bread
11Yoghurt soup with meatballs
12Trout stuffed with oats and mushrooms
13Lentil pancakes with cabbage and leeks
14Shellfish chowder
15Fishballs with mixed greens
16Lamb heart stew
17Brawn with spinach, turnips and carrots
18Oxtongue with onion bread and hazelnuts
19Fish cooked in ale with mashed swede and potato
20Vine leaves stuffed with garlic cheese, served with millet balls

Cover image: by 3orcs


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