H16 Refuge Camp Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H16 Refuge Camp

Written by StylinLP38

The situation at Refuge Camp H16 represents a significant humanitarian and political challenge, with implications for the stability and security of Verbobonc. Balancing the need for order and compassion, while preventing the camp's problems from affecting the city, is a crucial task for Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx and other city officials.


  • Refuge Camp H16 is a temporary settlement outside Verbobonc city walls.
  • It houses exiles from the Wild Coast, fleeing conflicts and turmoil.
  • The camp comprises 50-60 tents and other makeshift structures.

Key Challenges

  • Rampant Disease: There's a 20% daily risk of contracting diseases due to overcrowding and poor sanitation.
  • Crime and Drunkenness: High levels of crime and alcohol abuse, exacerbated by the camp's dire conditions.
  • Thieves’ Guild Influence: The guild actively robs refugees and recruits new members in the camp.
  • Presence of Spies and Cults: Rumors suggest that desperate refugees are targeted for recruitment by various clandestine groups.
  • Growing Unrest: Increasing vocal and rebellious attitudes among refugees, demanding assistance from the city.

Political Implications

  • Lord Mayor Haxx's Dilemma: Marakios Willem Haxx Struggles to contain the camp's problems without allowing them to spill into the city.
  • Increasing Refugee Influx: Continuous arrival of new refugees exacerbates existing issues.
  • Potential for Escalation: The camp’s deteriorating situation poses a risk of escalating into a larger crisis.

Political and Social Context

  • Viscount and Mayor's Dilemma: The Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and Mayor Haxx face mounting pressures due to the refugee crisis and the increasing restlessness in the camp.
  • Gnome Troubles in Kron Hills: The friction between the city's populace and the gnomes has escalated, with reports of gnomes attacking merchant caravans and being mistreated by city residents.
  • Market Access Issues for Gnomes: The gnomes face difficulties in bringing their merchandise to the Verbobonc market, exacerbated by tensions in the refugee camp.
  • Refugee Camp Challenges: The camp outside the city walls has become a hotbed of crime and desperation, with the presence of the thieves' guild and rumors of spies and cults taking advantage of the situation.
  • City's Response: Lord Haxx has managed to keep the camp's issues from spilling into the city but struggles to find a long-term solution as the number of refugees continues to grow.

Response Measures

  • Church Intervention: Several churches have sent paladins to maintain order and offer religious guidance.
  • Local Government's Stance: Efforts focused on keeping the camp's issues isolated from the city.

Bishop Haufren's Response

  • Bishop Haufren of St. Cuthbert, recognizing the escalating situation in the camp, has dispatched a contingent of Billets.
  • These Billets, known for their strict adherence to St. Cuthbert's doctrine, are tasked with imposing order through firm, albeit sometimes harsh, methods.

Actions of the Billets

  • The Billets employ their cudgels, not only as weapons but as tools of 'enlightenment', aiming to impart wisdom through physical correction.
  • Their approach is based on the belief that discipline and a strong hand can restore order and guide the lost back to the path of righteousness.
  • This method of 'tough love' is characteristic of St. Cuthbert's followers, who value order, discipline, and the upholding of laws.

Impact on the Camp

  • The presence of the Billets has had a polarizing effect on the camp.
  • Some refugees, desperate for any semblance of order and safety, view the Billets as necessary for maintaining peace.
  • Others perceive their methods as overly aggressive and fear their presence, leading to increased tensions and unease within the camp.

Bishop Haufren's Motivation

  • Bishop Haufren aims to instill a sense of structure and propriety among the refugees, aligning with his beliefs in the importance of law and order.
  • His decision to send the Billets reflects a commitment to proactive measures in preventing the camp's problems from escalating further.

Church's Role in the Larger Political Scene

This intervention by the Church of St. Cuthbert plays into the broader political dynamics of Verbobonc, demonstrating the church's influence and commitment to societal stability. The actions of the Billets, while controversial, highlight the church's willingness to take tangible steps in addressing the city's challenges.

Social Impact

  • Poverty and Desperation: Refugees face extreme poverty and are willing to do almost anything for basic necessities.
  • Public Protests: Rising demands from the refugees for the city to provide aid and support.
by 3orcs
Camp, Temporary
Location under

H16A Tent of Gerald Ryger

This is the tent of one of the camp’s outspoken rebels. Gerald Ryger (human Ftr2) is a large, outspoken protester who has been rallying and recruiting a large number of refugees. He is a short-tempered man who believes that violence is the only way to get his demands met. Thus far, he has only gathered 35 people to his cause, but it is growing day-by-day as people get more desperate. Gerald usually organizes most of the protests that erupt around the city’s walls.

H16B Chow Tent

Organized by several of the city’s more charitable churches, this huge tent (temporary structure – 30 feet tall) is used to feed the refugees. Large wooden benches and tables fill the huge tent, as several clerics “Create food and water” to feed the masses that pack this tent daily.

H16C Cantina

Some of the more resourceful rogues in the city have set up this tent/wooden structure to relieve the refugees of what little copper they have left. It is usually packed with luck-less refugees who drink the watered down ale to forget their troubles.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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