H11 Shrine of Yondalla Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H11 Shrine of Yondalla

A Sanctuary Beyond the Walls of Verbobonc

Located just outside the walls of Verbobonc along the High Road outside the city walls and East (High) Gate the Shrine of Yondalla is a testament to the enduring spirit and culture of the halfling people. It stands as a beacon of hope and protection for those who honor the halfling goddess. 

The Shrine

  • Structure: A simple stone altar adorned with the mystic symbols of Yondalla, partially veiled by nature's embrace of flowers and vines.
  • Symbolism: The shrine is carved with symbols representing Yondalla's aspects of protection, fertility, and guidance.
  • History: Shrouded in mystery, the shrine's origins are unknown, with rumors suggesting it predates the city itself.

Notable People

Vinny Brumblestick: A venerable halfling widow known for her unwavering care of the shrine. Despite not being a priestess, Vinny is believed to share a special bond with Yondalla, contributing to her long and joyful life.

Shrine's Significance

  • Yondalla's Blessing: Sought by travelers heading into halfling territories, the shrine offers blessings of protection and prosperity.
  • Cultural Importance: Though rarely visited due to the city's small halfling population, it remains a crucial spiritual site for Yondalla's followers.

Yondalla's Aspects

  • The Provider: Fertility and abundance are under her dominion, offering growth and prosperity to her followers.
  • The Protector: Utilizing her powers, Yondalla shields her worshippers from evil, often through illusions and divine intervention.

The Wayward Wardens

  • Purpose: A unique order of Yondallan priests, these individuals aid halfling communities across the lands, embodying the goddess's protective and nurturing nature.
  • Organization: Characterized by their nomadic lifestyle, the Wayward Wardens are driven by wanderlust, always moving to where they are needed most.

The Shrine's Environment

  • Surroundings: The shrine is nestled in a tranquil setting outside the city, symbolizing Yondalla's connection to the natural world.
  • Accessibility: While it stands outside the bustling life of Verbobonc, the shrine is a place of quiet reflection and solace for those who seek it.


The Shrine of Yondalla and its caretaker, Vinny Brumblestick, offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of faith and tradition that exists just beyond the walls of Verbobonc. Serving both as a spiritual sanctuary and a cultural heritage site, the shrine embodies the virtues of Yondalla—protection, fertility, and community—while standing as a testament to the enduring spirit of the halfling people and their goddess.
by 3orcs
Vinny Brumblestick, a (very) old halfling  
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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