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Fri 5th Apr 2024 12:09

Session 13 22/3-24 Getting back home

by Kido Kahdar

25 appraisal on purple hag 25 harvest - small pouch of night hag hair 3gp, night hag dream catcher can be crafted, 3 vials of hag blood 3 gp each, night hag skull 25gp, nightmare skull can be crafted from it , hag eye ball can be utilized as it had been in life DONT BREAK IT while concentrating - Divination spell Legend Lore 1 use 50 gp
27 appraisal on green hag 21 harvest - small pouch of green hag hair 1 gp, 3 vials of hagblood 3gp each, green hag skull - deception skull, hag eyeball - invisibility
28 appraisal on green hag - same as above green hag
29 investigation for hag loot: backscratcher from severed bony hand, small plant pot that has some sort of plant inside it(mushroom, a young shriker, 300feet shreek when touched, could cultivate more), rusty nail the length of a forearm(feeling paranoid and cruel, but preceptive, get advantage on peception checks, mild cursed, only when held.)
We go inside the hut, it nasty. 19 investigation, drawer overflowing with loose hair and textures, a vial of antitoxin, beautiful gold chain necklace(transmutation magic, curse if put on, cant be removed, connected with truth and lies, change with when being untruthful), freshly baked pie, looks good. we hear something from the wardrobe, moaning and scratches, wounded and weak. A Kadur. Gepp opens it, we see a small strange mix of short humanoid bird, missing a lot of feathers, It attacks us. insta dies from gepp.
21 appraisal, nothing.
A large taxidermied creature that is a chandelier, a beholder. medium size.
800 gold. + 1000 gold
We get back to the queen. Feintree wants to say goodbye. Cheheri is free to leave.
(would feyra take the fruits that cheheri does not want anymore after bubbling the pipe of paladins placebo, and gotten her cards back)
Feintree says one of the hags divined that cheheri would feel bad about going home, wants her to stay. Does not seem to lie about it.
She portals us back to the prime material, gepp and kido forgets the trip, cheheri remembers. Feyra?
Its dark, stone floor. Damp. Constructed space, but like a cave, a musty smell. The faintest light. Almost square room, 70 feet diameter. An orb suspended in the air, a top of a pedestal 15 feet across. Small step leading up to it.
A small hole, rubble, leading to sunlight. The orb is a clear crystal
Kido nat 20 history, Gigas ruin, ancient giants. Some of the rubble not consistent with how it should have fallen, the way to the orb/platform seems to have been cleared. Temperature seems about the same. Rubble cleared within a 100 year or so. Quite resent traces of people walking here, from the hole. When approaching the pedestal cheheri and kido disapears, as they are transported to another similar room, more collapsed, dry, mining equipment, rocks, crystal not hovering, set in a contraption/stand, seems to not be activated. We are not alone. Gepp follows through. Two humanoid similarly dressed as fortress. They raise 3 skeletons and flee the room. Kido says “Old friend?”.
Initiative. Gepp oneshots 2 of them. Cheheri casts primal savegery and kills the last.
4 People come back through the hole, 2 robed, a lighter armored, and a heavier armored, all hooded in the dark.
A male speaking with us in givzen, one of the druids, lothie man, short wavy skinfolds framing his face, dark black eyes, tall muscular build, grey skin, a long hooked nose. On edge and suspicious. “theif”
A short woman in a larger metal armor, wielding a sword and shield, short rount build, lessie woman, white hair, pale, long hair flowing down her sides, big red eyes, traces of some sort of mark flowing at her finger tips. Didnt seem as on edge, but standing tall and ready. Refers to the god of destiny Lod. “Flying Dragon”
A dayl man average build, robed, some form of cleric, long curly hair, green skin, round. Stays quiet. Octopus
The medium armored is hard to place, androgynous, hasnt spoken, high cheekbones, full lips, rough makeup across their eyes, a bit older, quite tall. Voice hard to place. Dolphin.
Tells us its dangerous to be here, and that we should not be here, are sceptical about us. 9th, 2 days have passed. Takes our weapons and wants to vet our connection to the chattra. We are beneath oimsofs. They take us to an indoor camp of theirs. They put our stuff in the chest, locked it and the androgynous person has it.
We are held for a day with the 3 except the leader.
The lessie woman tells us about how she was part of fighting a young dragon in sadres. Promises to call on gepp if there ever comes a call to fight another.