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Mon 12th Feb 2024 08:12

Session 4 2/2-24

by Kido Kahdar

Crafting costs and time, uncommon (bag of holding 2 workweeks and 200gp + some monster hide)
Postal services exists, Malu xxx in givzi, Unity Post in bes etc.
1gp 500 miles +. Bird mail.
Other ways < 50 miles 40gp animal messenger, 25 words
Sending 75gp
crystal ball / scrying
other magic work, arcane lock, detect magic etc.
we wake up on our third day here. The sun shines, the rain has passed.
Gepp wants to send a package with a ratskull and ratgloves.
We go to the birdtower. Proprietor, a ambiguous short older woman, brown purplish skin, white eyes, purple robes, neat bun. She is blind. Kilez.
Chiaf, 20 gold for package service, we sign the documents that we have received it. half now, half at delivery.
10 gold for party sheet
Gepps father Mepp
12 pound package to deliver.
She has a letter to us from Soff, eidifir merchant. Thanking us for the warning, they have started to talk with the harbormaster, but they are demanding more than they want, asking if we have good standing if we could help. If not, they might move to Uyag, where they have family. A short list of some materials that they would like to get their hands on:
Mark of the Depths: Deep Sion.’ Their sounds can stun under water. Coastal. Its ugly. 70 gp
They have 2 forms, hybrid, humanoid aquatic beast and true monsterlike. Only hybrid can breath air.
Coutal, a large bag of feathers. For problems with insomnia. Found any biome, a common creature. Snake with wings. Peaceful, good creatures. Rainbow feathers. Resistant to radiant, immune to psychic, bludgeoning/piercing/slashing from non magical. Truesight. 180 gp reward
Cave fisher filament. Can hold things well, is tougher than hemp and easy to carry with.
Unsure how long they will stay, if within a day or two, we can come to their camp for rewards. Live under ground. Look like pale weird spider lobster. 30 gp Has spiderclimb, can pool people, when hurt, has vulnerability to fire, flammable blood.
Any of these they will give us a world map. The leatherworker/smith had something to add.
We go to blacksmith, a blackhaired Dayl man, Jay. Shouts for Miray, a child dayl girl, his daughter to help us.
We go to the settlement, they will move to Yagh, last standing eidifir settlement. Gepp gets a hamunds harvesting book.
Cheherei casts augury, to see how the harbormaster would react on us confronting them.
Cheherei promises to slap the harbormasters face when we have slain a dragon.
Azra felt ashamed about busting our chest, but it was a hidden compartment with a bunch of magical stuff.
We sell some stuff, and take our leave south east along the coast. We travel a bit, before we hear clanging of weapons, practicing. another hour, we hear a far away shriek. We see a rowing boat with two fishermen, who seem to be struggling to pull up a shark into their boat. We help pull it to shore, as they pummel it to death. We harvest it and share the spoils.
We keep walking, as we see glowing orange eyes over the water, tentacles as hair, long fins under its quite humanoid body, as it skitters under the roots of a tree by the water. A Scion.
We ambush it, gepp gets stunned from its scream. We win.
19 appraisal, trinket, 2 pound of ocean floor mud, good for sore joints and face masks, mark of the depth. using 1 spirit paper, 23 harvesting. The mark of its dark patron lingers for a moment, before it disappear, which is harvested.
Kido finds 250 gold in its stash under the blown up tree, some affects from life on land. Deep scions used to be people from the beginning, stolen from shore, saved from sinking ships, offered a bargain by undersea power to not drown. Submitted to an ancient ritual, to transform them into this shapechanger.
We strike camp to rest, but something is sneaking up on us in the jungle. Two large gorilas, attack us. We kill and harvest them.
1 potion of healing - gepp
a small shoulderbag, bag of holding, Kido turns it inside out. - kido
4 spell scrolls, ray of frost - we sell it, poison spray - cheheri, feather fall - kido, detect magic - gepp
quiver finely crafted ornamental metallic parts carved or dyed bone, a uncommon efficient quiver, connects to 3 extra dimensional spaces - gepp
green pen, uncommon, emerald pen, requires no ink, can cast illusory script. - rosie
a robe with 14 patches, robe of useful items. 6 normal, 2 dagger, 2 bullseye lantern, 2 steel mirror, 2X10 foot pole, 2x hempen rope 50 feet, 2x sack 8 special - a 10 feet cube pit, 2 mastiffs, iron door, up to 10x10 feet big in a hole, a silver coffer 1 foot long, 6 inches wide/deep, probably valuable. a bag with gold, 10 gems, wooden ladder, spell scroll 1-3 level. action to pull a patch- kido