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Wed 21st Aug 2024 09:14

Session 24: 16/8-24 - Clean up in aisle one

by Kido Kahdar

Fighting zombies, tough fight, many captains, explodies and fearies.
We find a group of 10 villager zombies, that has been tied up together.
We meet up with Fadel and Ili.
Geoden, ancient elemental creature, peaceful, come in two variations, we have seen stone golem like, but can also be plantbased. They gather around places of strong natural magic, often places where druids venture to. Never live close to civilization. Some problems in Bes where forresting come to close to their shrines. Can be solved with diplomacy.
Ilis mother or the mayor are best bet for geoden.
Eva gives us 10k 1 uncommon magic item each and an uncommon consumable. She wants us to keep her up to date with our adventures, to write about it, and relay to the green court.