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Wed 21st Aug 2024 09:10

Session 20: 31/5-24 - Floods and Auroras

by Kido Kahdar

Flashback of Feyra having breakfast with Thief and his burnt omelette.
We try and talk a little with Qabal, the others find him unsettling. He can see and hear shimmer, and she is also uncomfortable.
There is a flooding on the road, almost a little river toring through. There is something in the water, undeads on the other side. We rope and spore our way to the other side. Qabal kills off the undeads before we even see them.
Last night there is an aurora. Makes us think of our birthdays.
Lori: started good, ended bad. When they got their tattoo, their connection to the stars. Got taken out to the fair.
Gepp thinking about his forth birthday, when he came of age. A looming feeling of this being the last time, after this he would need to leave on his journey. Bittersweet.
Feyra thinks about when she got the mask from her old man, as he retired and didnt need it. Spending the day in the forrest, hunting and gathering, and it ended with a similar aurora.
Kido thinks back on getting his first lute, how playing it made the sound vibrations visualize in a spectrum of colored waves.
Qabal asks shimmer if he can talk to her in the evening, but she is creeped out. Feyra looks intently at Kido after he states shimmer has free will, except being tethered to him, and kido is confused and feyra avoidant. She leaves him without answers. Lori gives a reading to Qabal.
We try to get to know him a little. Values knowledge and skills, dont care for material things. Is a lot older than he seems, has outlived his old friends. Lives longer due to his devilish ancestry.
Qabal and shimmer has a talk. Kido listens in. He says he can shed some light on her situation. She does not like his way of speaking. Reason to attaching to kido in particular, might be casued by the plane she is on vibes with the magic keeping kido alive. She is probably not dead / from the astral plane. Kidos proximity to that magic/plane, makes him able to see her, and same with Qabals experience with necromancy or his ancestry. Might be possible to free her, but she needs to figure out exactly where she is. He does not think she is a lost soul. She is annoyed that he basically havnt said anything new.