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Tue 12th Mar 2024 02:20

Session 9: 3/3-24

by Kido Kahdar

Kido is sent on a bunch of random errands for Abbot, some seems random and not seemling making any connections, while some seems more aware. Worker class type of people. Kido is not supposed to ask questions about it or inquire more. Just buy someone a drink, buy something, etc etc.
Abbot tells kido to bring his friends, as he might have a suitable job for them. Asks if his friends are trustworthy / discreet, and kido tells him they are trustworthy, but perhaps not always as mindful.
We take a trip to hunt coatle. We find one, and an elephant, that speaks to us in our minds, asking our questions. Coatle speaks out loud. We discuss terms for a duel, kido tries to sneak in a auto lose term in the game rules for them, and they get pissed off. The coatle makes us uncouncious with its attack, the elephant turns into som humanoid monstrosity bird creature with a quarterstaff, and casts fireball on all of us. Kadur.
We can harvest feathers and poison. We get 2 venom, and 1 large bags of feathers
We travel to the border of the wildlands. Soap like barrier, controlled by imperial soldiers. No structures. There are people coming out of the wildlands also. Mix of soldiers and other folks.
Jojan gubal, Male, lama
Dayl, Emray, female
Gubal, Male, Kartul, wolf
Ucella, Dimerki, leader of the expedition, reporting to the Dutchess.
Aberee diplomatic bal is coming up, in abar, in 6 weeks. We discuss science and their study of the wildlands. Open to collaborate, as long as we dont go inside or touch their instruments.
They might be playing imperial / having imperial permission?
“Chattran”, the organisation, is divided into different tiers. We speak of the Jewled General and Knight Fortress, they are affiliated. Dimerki is a rook, not much of the subterfuge, knights are more of shadows, quick subterfuge.
They believe unity is not forever, wants to maintain status quo. They offer an introduction to someone in the organization in chiaf.
Gubals “wolf”, “Lama”
Wildland Rebels
Science stuff, effects of the wildlands, exhaustion points, beasts and danger gradient the deeper you go inside, the empire is mapping the wildlands, as it is shifting, partially a natural occurrence, but magical in nature. Similarities to feywild. Pocket dimensions seems protected.
Kido spends some time with the barrier.
Amor, Wink.
Leaper. Headshot. Hunter.
Halo. Spores.
Night Walker. Nebula. Stars.
Gepp draws the coatles.
There is a rulan person in Chiaf that knows about the feywild, part of adventurers guild. Flowers in the hair.