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Sun 19th May 2024 11:30

Session 17: 26/4-24 Artful Communication

by Kido Kahdar

We try to communicate with their leader Kin through art and gestures. Mentions emperor of givzi, the abari dutchess, and the grass king of Nar. Dont care for ucellans and speaking arabic. Spirit knows a few words of Kadur; Aibu - Kadur Danger. They want us to go to war with them against the ucella. Rose does drugs with Kin and becomes Kadur Rose. Rose and Kido gets to walk out with Kin, doing drugs.. Euphoric and happy, advantage on con saves.
A smaller Kadur hanging leaves to dry. Some potions. Guli the Unhurt. Rose tells her Kido wants some ass for the night. Rose gets a phrase, for asking for some love tonight. They have slaves from abar. They trade in wares and gold. Rose tells kido the phrase, and that he should tell Kin that, telling him it means that we can help in other ways, but being very vague about it, and not wanting to say it herself. Rose does not want to bother Guli, but Kido wants her help translating, but gets pushed out by Rose. They join up with the others in the mess hall. Lori asks for booty. But somehow asks for Guli booty. Guli comes, and is relieved we only want to talk. Eventually we go to private room with 6 prisoners presented. variation of men/women, and races. Rulan(shalean) woman Marena, lothie(lothie) man Opale looks capable. Gaush lessie man, sone roand woman, kadesi ucella. An ucella, a Queni and a Rose tells Guli that Gepp needs many lovers, is strong and capable. Lori speaks with Marena. Roand woman tries to flirt with Rose. Opale speaks with Rose and Kido. Queni man Azor speaks Bess. Talking about jailbreak. Shimmer wants Kido to kiss someone with whiskers, someone he wants to kiss.
Arakzinb, the city where the they are going to raid.
Homeless Rise. Kadur city raiding Arakzinb. Has crystal from ruin. Advice course of action. 14 Have slaves. Relations civil for now. Not functioning. Rose miss you. 20
Gepp practices war cries as a buffé victorious sound.
Marena, Sone and Opale invites kido, opale wants both kido and rose.
Abar and Nar are considering physical intimacy much more open, and entertaining.
Romanticising is more about work and life. Guli wants gepp. Gepp says no. Rose declines invitations, Lori gets no invitations Kido gets dragged away by Sone, being more forward. Marena is disappointed. Lori gets sexytime lesson from Marena.
Gepp thought Guli offered another buffé. Shimmer and Kido are hungover. She gets the name Shimmer, and she glows, happy with it.