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Mon 12th Feb 2024 08:12

Session 5: 10/2-24

by Kido Kahdar

Gepp thinks about his family at home, kido about this brother and the journey that he had made and set as an example, Rosie has fractured memories of laughter, and a touch on the arm.
We discuss what route to take going forward. We follow the coast, and plan to cut inlands when the coast starts curving north. We come a cross a bridge over a river, as someone is standing on it, staring us down, standing in the way. They are hooded and has covered their face. Weathered leather armor, a crossbow on his back, and a shortsword at their side.
He tries to get our help with the bridge, tries to knock kido on the back of his head as he approaches, as 5 other highway men pops out. Kido goes down hard, but Gepp and Rosie kills of the highway men. They talk about a key.
They have a key, looks to be a larger key, 100 gold, 5 crossbows, 5 schimitars, 1 dagger, 4 leather armor, 1 studded leather armor. We leave the bodies, rosie decompose them.
We move away to take a rest. Rosie sees some form of cat beast, that take one of the bodies. We track our way to the highwaymens camp, 4 tents, 1 person stoking the campfire. Seems to be alone. 1 of the tents is a bit larger. We intimidate him to surrender, and scavenge through the camp. The were planning to move to the islands, complaining about the empire. An earl lives in the castle in Chief. There are good baths there.
In the big tent we find: 3light crossbows,2 schimitars, a statuette of Vass (god), probably valuable. A total of 110 platinum.
The bandit is named Glanville, Gubal, really big nose, purple fur, geen eyes, balding combover, looks older than he is. We discuss if he should join us to Chief. Cheheri reads his fortune. We talk abit around the fire in the evening, kido smokes some bane and then goes to sleep. Cheheri and Gepp takes a watch together. Cheheri is feeling uncomfortable being around so many people. Apologizes to Gepp, for not feeling ready for their journey, for being dishonest? Feeling pressure of how to be. Discussing money, and what it does to people. Gepp wants to draw Cheheris starforms. Looking at constellations.
Kido and Rosie discuss her memory issues, and that she should keep a diary to keep track on if she lose more of them. Discuss city people, and a little about kido’s ideas.
Granville talks about the black and whites, which are the knights order it seems.
We encounter an invisible barrier, and then the mirrage ends, as we are half a mile in a cave, as something lured us here. There is a soft glow to the cave walls. We dont see them first, but then a humanoid with sort of rulan features steps out, skinnier than rulan, hair almost flowing like under water. a Fey creature, similar to a siren. She wants help, wants one important memorie.
remind someone of an unwise bargain, or help love happen.
Cant enter settlements. Asks for our names.
Neutral/chaotic aligned creature, a type of siren. Resistant to necrotic, immune to thunder, immune to charm/deafened, immune to damage/effects based on sound. Call her Faintree.
The earl needs to be reminded of the unwise bargain, handing him the pouch we get from Faintree. It contains a small set of humanoid teeth, perhaps baby teeth.
Cheheri is starstuck and promises to remind the earl, in exchange for pain relief for a friend. Gets a fruit from her. Offers wealth, power, art, in exchange.
Cheheri gets fruit obsessed, and offer to help with love for more fruit.
2 people in chiaf, former lovers, have married other people, we need to reignite their passion. We get their names/information. We are concerned for Cheheri.
We discuss potential consequences of these tasks. Kido casts detect magic, as Gepp searches for the sound of water, and potential findings of a cave fisher.
Kido sees the illusory runes on our backs. Teeth/fruit is not magical.
Veng(mineral)/dreamflake(dark fungus) might be found in caves.
We connect the dots between borgor mary and cannun.
Our runes are for safe travels. Gepps old one from canun is Spiritual strenght and positiv development, joy, pleasure of life, ability to flow with lifes changes.
We come closer to a river/waterfall, a larger pool of water, an open area. The den of a cave fisher. The cave walls are filled with silk like webbing.
Creature 7 feet tall, 8 legs, 4 large forlims ending in pincer, pale light grey, no eyes. A long probisquis. Kido gets recked, we kill it.
Kido/Rosie appraise 19/25 cr 13
Cave fisher: Filament, Carapace(tools, armor, jewelry, worth a lil bit), blood(flammable, alcohol%)
The book says: filament: Can craft a rope of climbing from it, can be used as is for adhesive.
We get 3 vials of cave fisher blood, a cave fisher carapace(40 pounds), 60 feet cave fisher filament(10 pounds)
Rope of climbing needs an artificer, 2 work weeks, cost 200 gold
Another attacks, crits cheheri bad. We kill it.
We get 3 vials of cave fisher blood, a cave fisher carapace, 60 feet cave fisher filaments.
We find some Veng, kido extracts it from the wall, 3 doses