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Fri 6th Sep 2024 02:30

Session 25: 25/8-24 The Tainted Shrine

by Kido Kahdar

Kido plays with his tool. The mayor tries to listen in on us. We notice him. He tries to take the blame for the flooding? Doesnt want a witch hunt? Doesnt know who did it?
Feyra leaves to try and find the key. Finds it buried outside. Cabal was in the room but we didnt notice him? He considers staying in this town.
Lori heals the sick, and we spend another night, before venturing out looking for undeads.
A bard, darcy in the middle of nowhere, wants to read us poetry by holland. A famous poet that writes about love, or a fun bard song, or something dark. comes from hauls.
The fun bard song is by feintree. Has seen undeads upstream. ”How pleasant to know you my dear”
We bid farewell, and continue upstreams.
Kido flies around to scout and sees:
Natural caverns, waterfall, dense misted forrest and burialgrounds.
The fly spell ends prematurely, and kido takes a little tumble.
We find a wounded horse, with saddle, belonging to a local lord. Sadle has a shield purple with white bangles and 3 red swords. Kido nat 20, emblem of a naval city called Rilaugaustha, south givzie, far east, closest town bordering hauls. Was attacked at the road by bandits. Her master was probably killed or kidnapped. Dancer. Kido mounts up.
Large burial grounds are actually moss covered geodens. Plant based.
They dont want to allow kido and cabal to see the site, but kido casts tongues and shows respect towards them and it, and they allow him, but he will get smashed to pieces if he does anything untowards. The cavern entrance seems man made, and they take us inside. A faint light, small cavern, pool of water, small island in it. A small tree, bonsai like. Small growing fruit hanging from it.
Detect magic 19 investigation, an oily shimmer on the water, but tree seems fine. Pieces of metal in the water. A small machine. Nat 1. Resembles a bug. No magical traces. Some oil is leaking. Prestidigitation the oil into a vial, and mage hand up the bug. The place/tree is magical.
Feyra cast speak with plants. Asks how it has been feeling. Persuasion 18. It has felt dirty. Feels better now. Asks why geodens hasnt cleaned it. Fruits glow, and feyra makes wisdom save 17. It says that feyra is broken. Her memories??