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Fri 5th Apr 2024 12:07

Session 10 15/3-24 Meeting Raal

by Kido Kahdar

We go back to town, to the adventurers guild outside the south gate, a cluster of buildings, AU Supplies with adventurers supplies. One of the workers in the hub, tall bald man, big braided blue beard, reddish black striped skin, a cat. Emory De Bolic
Raul, the rulan.
Bromerham cup, he has his birthdayparty there, in northgate, close by the markets. Brommerham is a volcano in the mountains that circle Abar.
Abari teahouse. A gentle ucella, zen, silken robes, feathered headgarb. a beautifly gold dragon painted on the wall. Orange, white lush colors.
A dayl, lessie, gubal and a rulan.
Dayl man, brown eyes, square face, brand on his right arm. Mark of a fellon.
Roand woman, big smile, brown eyes, striped skin. Petting a vary large sheepdog.
Lessie woman, short thin build, ponytail, purple eyes, one covered by eyepatch.
Gubal man, brown fur, balding head, sideburn, tall for gubal, hook nose, black beady eyes.
Rulan man, short.