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Wed 21st Aug 2024 09:12

Session 21 25/6-24: Arrival at Gnock

by Kido Kahdar

As we come closer to east gnock, qabal sense some form of evil, and is feeling uneasy. Part of the town is submerged. As we go through the gate, we hear some commotion. There is an undead presence, a man in old armor fighting a zombie or something. He strikes it down, and is a member of the guild. Lothie/quenie. A smeared warpaint over his face. Simple clothing, well crafted, standard equipment. The undead coming from the older part of the village, from the water. They have a contagious sickness going around, in a closed of part of the village. Doesnt think of the mayor in a good light. Fadel is the mans name. The woman under attack is named illi, is helping him fight the undead. He tells us where the mayor can be found, and where the sealed of area is. They cant let us in until mayor opens it up. Manni Vartaran is the mayors name. Many of the undead are lothie. Qabal wants to investigate the source of the undeads, and walk of. There seem to be no imperial presence around. We go to the mayor. Simple structures of the houses. A zombie walks around the corner, and gepps strikes it down. Its a gubal, dressed in a night gown. Its old. The mayor is scared and hiding behind the door with many locks. He is an old gubal. A damm used to keep them safe from the floodings. A tragedy happened. Most dont want to venture there, they leave it alone. First problem with undead. A broken mechanism at the damm that might help for a short while to investigate, as the source seems to be under water.
The closed of part of the village has sick people, has been going around for the past 5 years. The flooded part had sick people. Unclear if they are related or not.
The guild had their hall destroyed by lightning fire not long ago. Seek them out at the communal hall.
Feyra takes care of wounded. There are 3 other guild members in the hall. Others have left. Some perished in the flood. The guild did not have a good standing with the mayor before the undead showed up. Sometimes armies pass by going towards the borders, but no one has offered any help. Currently around 10 sick people, but more might be infected as they are in the area. Comatose. Cant eat, and often starve, if they dont perish to the feaver. Fadel takes us to a room in the back to discuss the course of action. If the water was drained, they would be overrun by the zombies. He feels like the flood was convenient around when the sickness was spreading. The lothies are not from the village.
Kill zombies, figure out cause of disease, cause of undead, find settlement, fix damm mechanic.