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Tue 23rd Apr 2024 02:06

Session 16: 20/4-24 Gigasploration

by Kido Kahdar

Kido gets a visitor in the night. A blue shimmering light that no one else can see or hear. They seem tethered to kido, and offer to protect him in turn for being able to stay with us. Seems to have attached in the first giga ruin.
We talk quickly with the chattran group, before going through the portal. We fight off zombies and spiders. The crystal is missing, and not within 1000 feet.
We explore the ruin. The floor changes type. A pressure plate, 25 feet. we try to climb/swing over, but trigger it. Kido figures out how to disarm it, but we move on. We encounter a trip wire that kido disarms. We take left at the 3 way intersection, instead of right.
A new pressure plate of a fire trap that is possible to step through by walking on the right plates. We hear the breeze. Wind finding its way down. Air is light. Hard to breathe in the thin air. We are high up. We come out of a cave entrance, no signs of any ruins. A town is visible not too far away down below, within 1000 feet. The crystal is calling from the town. Seemingly built on old ruins.
Mountains all around us, but a valley to the south, in the middle of the range, a small speck of colors, perhaps a lake, or the ocean. Hard to see.
A rudimentary thought. A cold desert region.
The town seems to be a Kadur town. The guards are surprised to see us, and does not understand us, are defensive and wants us to leave. Kido offers up golds, and they let him in. All have to pay.
They have built their city on older buildings. Everyone stop and look at us with big interest. No other creatures around. The crystal seems to be in a tall large building, a high spiraling roof. We are almost ushed to this building. The guards do a spear dance, inviting us in.
From some stairs, a well postured kadur greets us.
Speaking Abaric.