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Fri 16th Feb 2024 10:31

Session 7: 16/2-24

by Kido Kahdar

Feintree the fey
Keraf Noblewoman (rapier)
Earl - Simnel Pulaht, wife countess Midaw
Lovers to be? - Kaan Aggela Eidifir, Yasian Boyven Gubal
Celecreation in east gate, fancy clothes shop. Tolderan architecture. Man, lothie/lessie, Rsoy
Cheheri Lolureheli, buys clothes.
Rsoy pushes some clothes on Rosie, that she reluctantly buys.
We go to the high end tavern. in the east gate, Bell Tower, is an actual old bell tower, givzen design.
A man is curious aboud Kido’s arm, an artificer is visiting town, well known, Shareefa Khalid, Kido has heard of them. Kido asks for a drink and joins his party. Gepp buys a big ass ale. A gubal woman joins him, who is Keraf. Cheheri does a reading for Rosie, to get people interested in readings.
Earl is a war veteran, their marriage was arranged, but they have been happy together, he dresses plainly for a noble, she dresses in fine givzen clothing, he is a rulan/dayl mix, she is a quenie, choosing their words carefully, bit secluded, she is quiet, they have lost their 11 year old son. He has been appointed earl, not born into it, sons name was Varki. She used to be involved in a lot of charity.
Cheheri does a reading for a couple, turning point for either good or bad, inherent remainder of ups and downs, part of life, advised against being clever with words, even with winning in words, you might lose with heart. Advised to start a project together, a creative project, this will lead to open communication, to cut down lies and see clearly. She goes starry form to perform a premonition and asks about the lovers to be. Cheheri gets 28 gold randomly from her. She gets some information about general area where they live.
We drink and party for a while, Kido gets Rosie drunk.
We go to the ring area, well dressed clientel, we see a caged arena. We are “VIP”, but are the entertainment. People cheer for Keraf. “Been long since we had a fight”. We get pushed in the ring, and a magical hum encompasses the arena cage. Its very clean, compared to how a fighting ring might be expected to look, no remnants of other fights. “How about we start with the little frog that want to steal my weapon”. Announcer is not Keraf. Keraf gets the honor of starting, as she shoots Gepp from outside the cage, and the cage nullifies all magic.
Gepp runs up to her and starts stabbing her. Kido tries to open the door, rosie casts flammable blood on them, cheherie tries to squeeze through the bars to cast unsuccessfully. Gepp kills the announcer with an arrow, and incite fear in the crowd. A few are left, disappointed at those that left, the guards are not sure what to do. All the crowd leaves, and its just one guard left. Gepp intimidates him to open the door. Keraf lies dead in a corner.
We look through the place, 855 gold. chain shirt, short sword, fine clothing, a small cork bottle of deep blue sand.
We convince the guard to testify, in exchange for a boat trip out of here after we have talked to the earl. his name is Wan. He goes into the castle to talk to a friend in the guard, to get us in to see the earl. Cheheri follows as a spider. We are to meet the earl, Gepp puts his weapons in the bag of holding and uses disguise self to get fancier clothes.
Gepp acts as a servant of Cheheri, as she proclaims
Cheheri delivers the bag of teeth, and it seems his memory comes back of the deal he had made, as a modify memory spell was broken, and he falls to tears as he knows what has happened to his son. He asks us to leave, and we do. Kido lets him know he can ask them for assistance with anything.
The bane replacement manifest in thin air.
Abea is the female guard friend of his, a decent guard. We give him 150 gold, and he goes off into the night.
We seek an in in the north gate, Barons Rest, to seek room for the night. Teh same place where glanville is staying.
Gepp draws the ladies in their fancy clothes.
Kido gets a sending - Kido, hope you are well and found mary, independence day in hauls from bes in 2 months, seeds crest is a holiday celebrated all over even if not denary faith, 3 months away. 1 month staying in hauls.
Duokett (cousin family) is inviting us.
Kido tells the group about it.
We discuss the earl, fey, the lovers, memories etc.