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Fri 5th Apr 2024 12:08

Session 11 16/3-24 To the feywild

by Kido Kahdar

We travel for a day, encounter a grove of geodens, a glade with a brook, ending in a crescent shape pond, before leading back into the forrest. A rock in the concave part of the pond, covered in moss. South west of chiaf.
6 geodens welcomes us., of various sizes. Point us towards north east, part of the wetlands, follow scullery river until wetlands, and then north. Until we hear the sound of geeze.
Somewhere along the trip, we encounter an overgrown hut, a skeleton sitting long dead and forgotten on the porch. Gepp finds a pouch of 100 gp. We discuss the feywild a little, risk of forgetting the experience, deals with feys, memory losses.
Waterwalk and local animal rituals cast, we enter the wetlands. A rotting corpse of a crocodile. Gepp takes a look at it, for potential threats. Killed by slices.
Red caps: Possible crafts: Boots of Iron Gait / Cap of Aggression
We attack 3 of them. We harvest 3 boots and 3 caps.
We make camp, Gepp and Kido keeps watch, find a body with arrows in. An eidifir body. Traditional garb. Arrow shafts having black,white and purple feathers, imperial colors.
The body bursts with gas as we touch it, and Gepp and Kido starts to hallucinate. Gepp sees imperial arrows come flying and tring to protect Kido, who sees a massive glorious Coatle. As they struggle they are attacked by some spider creatures. We kill them. Deal with the hallucinations for 20 min, before they dissipate. Kido thinks the Coatle might have been a fey realm coatle, fought together with him in combat. The corps had a shiny beltbuckle with some gems in it. We give the corpse a burial rite. Harvest some spider meat 6 pound/3ration + 3 carapace.
A large shambling mound lurking about that we need to keep track of. 2 pouches of shambling mound mulch worth 12 gold each, can craft superior potion of healing from. 4 shambling mound vines worth 15 gold each, can be crafted into vine tunic. A root stem, priced in medicin for regenerative properties worth 110 gold. Can craft wand in the under growth. We harvest all that after killing it.
We hear geeze and follow it. We see a large skeletal fist jutting out of the earth. On top of it Ral and Kido see a hydra, gepp and rosie sees the true form of huge gooze with multiple heads, all honking in different directions. A rare fey creature, a gooze mother. Unaligned. Honks can make ppl sleep. Guardian of the crossroads. Wants to give us treets for us to pass.
Any time you touche the color red, it turns green - Ral
Kido will emit a goose honk everytime he yawn or sneeze.
Everytime you see a bear, you see it as a old person wearing a bear costume - rosie
Gepp can only read texts that are upside down.
We embrace with the mother gooze, and as we open our eyes, we are in a forrest, twilight sun, butterflies swirling, wild flowers. Birds and squirrels. We have arrived in the feywild.
Giggeling pixis playing hide and seek, as gepp notices them, they swirl his face. Praising him on seeing them. They love cheheri, tells us she is a the court, and gives us directions to get there.
The world is malleable and adapts to our mental and emotional states.
over 50 satyrs, pixies, facing a mound of pillows, where cheheri sits.
A creature similar to feintree, silver hair.
They are excited for Cheheri to tell them more about the stars.
They have lost their court bard, Salandrei. They dont need him anymore as they have their court jester Cheheri. They have cast a spell on her to stop her moping. The bard is in the mirkwood, where the witches live. a Group of satys were sent after him, but have been lost.
We get directions to the mirkwood, we need to face the darkness. Eastward, is much about intentions.
Rosie asks for a flower, and trades a strand of hair back, a few strands of vine grows out in place of it.
Hags came move more easily into the prime material plane. We arrive at the mirkwood. No flowers.