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Oathday, 1st of Gorzan 4721 AR

The entrance exam

by Cualli Yaotl

Gods above there is so much to say, but first.. IM IN!! IM ACTUALLY IN!!
I was pretty sure I was bungling a lot of that interview, but Teacher Ot was very understanding. I almost felt like he knew the answer to every question he asked before it was answered. Maybe better than we did...I wonder if the others felt that too?
The others, I'll start there... They were the dream people! I'm going to go over them one by one so I don't put my doot in my mouth with them like i did in the interview (I'll get to that)
The woman with a tail was called Makumi Obi, and i was right about her being zenj... from Mzali apparently... I've read the stories, and she didn't sound any keener on Walkena than I am, but I'm not gonna make any assumptions about the place. OH and also She seemed to actually KNOW Teacher Ot. she knew a Magambyaa teacher! From some shared hobby or some such. Wow... apparrently she is here generally to collect occult mysteries, makes sense that's the sort of people who make friends with the faculty. It'll be interesting to get to know her better.
The tall and intense woman apparently named herself Ruin. She said she chose the name herself because the druids refused to name her themselves, wanting her to do it. She sounded a little bitter about that, but im not sure, hnestly she carried herself the whole time like she was that kind of angry that is actually sad. If I noticed then Teacher Ot must have picked up on it immediately. I don't think i will talk to her about that though. She seems to want her privacy. Don't know why she came here. She wants privacy on that too i guess.
The small woman was called Molivia, and she seems really sweet. Shy around people, easily as nervous as I am, and honestly maybe for similar reasos. She said she wants to learn how to better grow food in a harsh environment and help her people learn to do the same. Definetely the right place. I wonder if the Yammassans could help her people the way they did mine? But I imagine they don't send people to the Magambyaa unless more conventional means have been tried. Still I think i can relate to that pressure to be what your people want and need...
The Traveler was called Malnar. I actually remembered who he was because he started discussing cardinal directons at the end of the interview. What an odd time for it to hit me. He's definetly nice seeming. Someone who actually names their sense of humour and desire to bring joy to the world as character defining traits...Thats probably somoene you can't hurt yourself by trusting. He seemed easily the most cmfortable person there, and i think he cared the least about getting into the school? He wants it but of all of us i got the sense only he woulld have been ok being told no.
Lastly the pale elf. Illiara Comes from somewhere called Katheer. I know very little exept that i think they also have a magical college there? She seemed unimpressed with their attitude to teaching though. Seems to believe she can get a more practically useful tutelage here. She also doesnt seem to remember the dream we shared even slightly.
As for the lesson itself, they seemed to mostly consist of tests of character, how we think and why. I won't pretend to understand all the details of how it works. They seemed to involve nature to a large degree, and he seemed to be trying to impart the idea of using simple and practical solutions to problem solving when possible.
There were a few stand out moments thoug... Teacher Ott got me talking about why Matanji society hunts demons, so i talked about the Gorrila king and (indirectly) the Charau-Ka. Combine that with performing a funeral rite on a mokey bone right after and it put my head in a weird place... I kept thinking about the prison...seeing those things that used to be us...being told why it was so important to fight... I didn't like that part. Maybe thats why in the end, when teacher Ott asked me to tell him something about what defines me...I was trying to tell him about why my family sent me here...about my purpose to my people...but he wanted something that came from me...he looked at me and it was like he saw into me. He KNEW that I wasn't really answering...that im not great at thinking for myself, and somehow the "propper" answer just wouldnt come... I told him the world was big, I don't know why I said that, i mean its true obviously but i don't know the relevance to his question...something in me just knew that was the part of me he wanted to see. I think I'm gonna need to do some thinking on this later, not today though, today I just want to njoy this feeling of making it where i wanted to be.

Continue reading...

  1. The dream
    4719 AR
  2. The entrance exam
    Oathday, 1st of Gorzan 4721 AR
  3. New Homes New Faces
    Oathday, 1st of Gorzan 4721 AR
  4. A Market Journey
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721
  5. Letters from Cualli
    Starday 3rd of Gorzan 4721
  6. Nightmares and Nudity
    Moonday 5th gorzan 4721 AR
  7. Weakness and Wounds
    Wealday, 7th of Gorzan, 4721
  8. Getting fucked up. And better?
    Fireday, 9th of Gorzan 4721
  9. Session 10: Fuck. You. Chizire
    Moonday 12th gorzan 4721 AR
  10. Session 12. Suspicions
    Wealday, 14th of Gorzan, 4721
  11. Session 14. Library battles
    Oathday, 15th of Gorzan 4721 AR
  12. Session 15. Babysitting?
    Fireday, 16th of Gorzan 4721
  13. The tournament: session 16
    Starday 17th of Gorzan 4721
  14. Masking. Session 18
  15. He's dead. Sessions 19-22
    Session 22
  16. The Journal Entry’s title
  17. Never a break Session 23
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Crushes, Bugs, and Crushing Bugs. session 28
  20. Meeting Jaanatimo
  21. Spiders and snakes
    24th March 2024
  22. Onward and upwards
  23. Speeches, subterfuge and sex offers
  24. Powder plots
  25. Community
  26. Criminal element